In this Saturday, June 13, 2020, file photo, "RIP Rayshard" is spray-painted on a sign as flames engulf a Wendy's restaurant where Rayshard Brooks was shot and killed by police in Atlanta.
Credit: AP Photo/Brynn Anderson, File
In this Saturday, June 13, 2020, file photo, "RIP Rayshard" is spray-painted on a sign as flames engulf a Wendy's restaurant where Rayshard Brooks was shot and killed by police in Atlanta.
Chuck Williams, @chuckwilliams, reporter, WRBL-TV, Columbus
Greg Bluestein, @bluestein, political reporter, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Lori Geary, @lorigearymedia, host, Fox5 Atlanta’s “Georgia Gang” and former political reporter WSB-TV
Rahul Bali, @rahulbali, politics reporter, WABE Radio
1. Atlanta police officers won't face any charges in Rayshard Brooks shooting.
LISTEN: Rahul Bali breaks down the legal arguments for and against charging the officers with a crime.
2. Gov. Brian Kemp continues to fight the subpoena in the Fulton probe.
3. Midtown shooting puts the conversation about guns front in center in the race for Governor.
4. Abortion rights at the center of New York's primary election.
5. 2nd District candidates confirm debate before midterm elections.
6. Former first lady Sandra Deal passes away after battle with breast cancer.
LISTEN: Lori Geary remembers former Georgia first lady Sandra Deal.
Thursday on Political Rewind: Kevin Riley, the editor of the AJC, will join our panel. And be sure to sign up for the latest edition of our newsletter coming out this afternoon.