According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, bobcats are the most common member of the cat family in North America and can be found all over the state of Georgia.
Credit: Ledger-Inquirer
According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, bobcats are the most common member of the cat family in North America and can be found all over the state of Georgia.
They are shy, but sneaky. They prey on mice, rats and rabbits. They have bobbed tails and tufted ears.
They may look like your average house cat at first glance, but stay back, these cats have claws — and they are not to be approached.
According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, bobcats are the most common Felid in North America and can be found all over the state of Georgia. A sighting of this cunning cat is not unheard of, especially in heavily wooded or mountainous areas.
Although they primarily live and hunt in isolation, a bobcat may occasionally wander close to homes if they believe food is accessible.
If the bobcat seems extra aggressive, it is most likely rabid and if you are attacked, seek medical help immediately.
For more information about bobcats and how to protect yourself, your pets and your home, visit the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division website.
This story comes to GPB through a reporting partnership with The Ledger-Inquirer.