Lt. Robert Albertini and other Atlanta Police officials stand in front of the large seizure of marijuana from an apartment in Buckhead.
Credit: APD Screen Capture
Lt. Robert Albertini and other Atlanta Police officials stand in front of the large seizure of marijuana from an apartment in Buckhead.
The Atlanta Police Department Narcotics Unit made an “extremely large marijuana bust” with 580 pounds found inside a Buckhead apartment.
APD’s Lt. Robert Albertini said along with sealed bags of pot, officers also seized 59 pounds of mushrooms, 1,600 THC candy bars, 39.5 pounds of THC edibles, 2,604 THC vape pens, and 100 “moonrocks,” a high potency type of marijuana. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive compound found in marijuana.
Albertini said 22 bottles of cough syrup laced with codeine, which is illegal in Georiga, and more than $100,000 in cash were seized during the bust. Two arrests were made, but names are being withheld while the investigation continues.
The drugs are street-valued at $2 million, Albertini said.
Albertini said that APD got a tip earlier this month that a large quantity of narcotics was being stored in a unit at 3464 Roxboro Road, which is the AMLI 3464 apartment building. A search warrant on the property was executed on Wednesday.
The APD Narcotics Unit called the 580 pounds of marijuana and other drugs a ‘significant seizure.”
Albertini described the apartment unit as a “classic stash house” for drugs, but there was also evidence that sales were happening there, too.
Some of the edibles were packaged inside Captain Crunch and other popular cereal bars for marketing to high school and college students, Albertini said.
“This is an extremely large marijuana bust — the largest I’ve been involved in over the last five years,” Albertini said. “A property intake officer said he hadn’t seen this much weed in 35 years. So, it’s a very significant seizure.”
Albertini noted that crime in Buckhead, particularly homicides, came about from drug-related violence.
This story comes to GPB through a reporting partnership with Rough Draft Atlanta.