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Woodruff Arts Center presents renovation plan to Midtown development committee
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The Midtown Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed two renovation proposals at its May 14 meeting, including facade changes to the Woodruff Arts Center and a request to put signage on an Olympic-era monument.
Woodruff Arts Center
The Midtown landmark plans to modernize and activate the Peachtree Street façade of the original Memorial Arts building with a new glass storefront. This would serve as a an entry for the new Goizueta Stage for Youth and Families and a new interior play space. A glass entry vestibule, new lighting, and signage are also part of the design.

The DRC offered minor comments:
- Lower the proposed signage to be more visible for pedestrians. Suggestions included blade and other building mounted signage.
- Reconsider the design of the raised plaza and existing monumental stairs along the new glass storefront to balance a mix of landscaping and urban hardscape. The DRC felt this could better serve the intended youth and family patrons.

Centennial Torch Tower
The DRC reviewed proposed alterations to the existing Centennial Tower at the western termination of 3rd Street behind the Varsity and visible from the Downtown Connector. The tower has been in place since before the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
A new six-foot vinyl coated chain link fence is proposed at the periphery of the site except for a 10’ wide access to the entry door. The existing single-story 16-0” tall cylindrical building would have a new 16’-9” tall parapet wall installed while the upper cylindrical section would be clad with perforated metal panels. Digital static signage (equivalent to billboards) are proposed on both the parapet wall and upper cylindrical section.
The DRC raised serious concerns that the proposal is in preparation for future billboard signage, which is strictly prohibited by the city sign ordinance, and would undermine future redevelopment opportunities of the area.
The committee said it would wait to hear from city staff before taking any action.
This story comes to GPB through a reporting partnership with Rough Draft Atlanta.