Sunday Puzzle


Sunday Puzzle / NPR

On-air challenge: I'm going to give you some four-letter words. In each case, the first two letters are the first two letters of a well-known U.S. city, The last two letters are that city's state postal abbreviation.

Ex. SAGA  -- Savannah, Georgia

  1. GAIN
  2. DECO
  3. LINE
  4. JAMS
  5. LIAR
  6. BIND
  7. NOVA
  8. POOR
  9. POME
  10. PONY
  11. LOCA

Last week's challenge: Last week's challenge comes from listener Michael Schwartz, of Florence, Ore. Take the name of a watercraft that contains an odd number of letters. Remove the middle letter and rearrange the remaining ones to name a body of water. What words are these?

Challenge answer: Gondola --> lagoon

Winner: Ann Kritzer of Coral Springs, Florida

This week's challenge: This week's challenge comes from listener Rawson Scheinberg, of Northville, Mich. Name a U.S. state capital. Then name a world capital. Say these names one after the over and phonetically you'll get an expensive dinner entree. What is it?
Submit Your Answer

If you know the answer to the challenge, submit it here by Thursday, September 12th, 2024 at 3 p.m. ET. Listeners whose answers are selected win a chance to play the on-air puzzle. Important: include a phone number where we can reach you.