During the spring and summer, we conducted a statewide survey of more than 400 Georgia voters. We asked them to tell us what their top three issues were when choosing a candidate for the 2024 Election.

We received a variety of answers and found the top five answers were:

  • Women's reproductive rights/abortion
  • Democracy/bipartisanship
  • Environment/climate change
  • Economy/cost of living/inflation
  • Immigration (for and against)

We took those answers and created a list of five questions that were submitted to each of the 28 candidates from Georgia's 14 congressional districts.

  1. What is your position on abortion? Also specifically do you support a total ban, full abortion access or something in-between, and should the government play any role in regulating the procedure?
  2. Democracy is defined as “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.” How do you define democracy and what steps would you take to preserve it?
  3. Data compiled by NOAA shows 2023 was the warmest year on record. Research by NASA shows this is impacting our weather including more frequent severe storms impacting the United States including Georgia. Do you acknowledge that climate change is happening and, if so, what would you do to address it?
  4. While data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows costs for many goods have gone down over the last year the cost of some things has gone up. What concrete actions would you take to address the impact on American families who are struggling to make ends meet?
  5. Our survey respondents had varying viewpoints on immigration, but the one thing all agreed on was wanting Congress to work together across party lines to come up with a permanent framework to address the issue. What specific actions would you support to address immigration, and do you believe a divided Congress has the ability to come to a consensus?

Those were submitted to each candidates communications staff and while some responded, others did not. We are publishing those answers here and for those who did not respond, we've published their names and a link to their websites.


District 1 

Rep. Buddy Carter (R) Incumbent

Rep. Buddy Carter (R) Incumbent

Credit: Office of Rep, Buddy Carter

U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter (R) Incumbent

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

"I believe that life starts at the point of conception. As a pro-life pharmacist, parent, and congressman, I recognize the value and sanctity of human life — at all stages — as well as the medical risks associated with both chemical and physical abortions. When the health of the mother is at risk, or a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, that is a health care decision that should be made between the patient and their doctor.

"Overturning Roe v. Wade was the right step, and I am thrilled that President Trump was able to nominate conservative justices who correctly sent the abortion issue back to the states, which is where it belongs."


"We live in the world's greatest democracy, and every day I wake up excited to serve Georgia’s 1st Congressional District. The most important way we can preserve our democracy is by ensuring we have secure elections. Without secure elections, our democracy — which is government for the people and by the people — cannot function. That’s why I was proud when the state of Georgia passed the Election Integrity Act, which made voting easier and cheating harder. 

"I also support H.R. 828, the SAVE Act, which will help secure our elections by requiring proof of citizenship to vote. It will also provide states with resources to remove noncitizens from their voter registration rolls. This is common-sense. By securing our elections, we allow the true voice of the people to be heard in our government, which helps keep our democracy strong."

Environment/climate change

"No one loves the environment more than South Georgians. On the coast, we enjoy hunting, boating, fishing, and more, and we want to ensure our states’ natural beauty is preserved for generations to come. 

"Climate change is real, and man has an impact, as do natural phenomena. In my role as the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials, I have prioritized an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy, ensuring that we continue to invest in diverse clean energy sources without sacrificing reliability or affordability.

"To echo Gov. Brian Kemp, Georgia aims to be the 'electric mobility capital of the world,' and my district is leading the charge. The largest single economic development project in our state's history — the Hyundai Electric Vehicle (EV) and battery plant — is being built in Bryan County. Georgians understand that EVs are a good choice for some, and I’m thrilled that those jobs are coming to our district; however, we must remember that consumer choice is great for all.

"In addition to serving as Vice Chair of the Conservative Climate Caucus, I am also proud to have been named a 2024 Clean Energy Champion by Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions."

Economy/cost of living/inflation

"The average Georgia household is paying $1,075 more per month than they were in 2021 just to purchase the basics. It’s no surprise that 1/3 of Georgians are not able to afford their weekly expenses! We must enact policies that address this inflation crisis; but, unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration’s runaway spending and burdensome mandates are only making it worse.

"When House Republicans took the majority, we made reducing energy costs our top priority, passing H.R. 1 — The Lower Energy Costs Act. This bill will unleash American energy production, reform the broken permitting process for all industries, reverse anti-energy policies advanced by the Biden-Harris administration, streamline energy infrastructure and exports, and boost the production and processing of critical materials.

"This is must-pass legislation that will help the United States regain energy independence, which we had under President Trump, and will bring down costs across industries, from gas to fertilizer to groceries."

On immigration

"I’ve been to the border eight times since I’ve been a member of Congress. My last visit was a few months ago, and it is the worst I’ve ever seen it. Clear as day, you can see where Obama started the wall, where Trump continued the wall, and where the Biden-Harris administration stopped it. The gaping holes where a wall should be are an apt metaphor for the failures of this administration to secure our border. This isn’t just a concern for border communities, either; under Biden-Harris, every state is a border state, and we saw the worst impacts of illegal immigration when Laken Riley was killed in Athens, Ga., at the hands of someone who should have never been here in the first place. Border Czar Harris must answer for her gross negligence that allowed Laken, and hundreds of other victims like her, to cross paths with a violent criminal.

"The first thing we need to do is enforce the laws that are already on the books, such as Remain in Mexico. This Congress, House Republicans passed the strongest election security bill in history, H.R. 2, which would force border wall construction, deploy technology to the Northern and Southern borders, increase the number of border patrol agents, end catch and release, protect children from human trafficking, improve the asylum process, and more. There is no reason why these reforms cannot be bipartisan, and I welcome discussion with my Democrat colleagues about how we can get this done."


Patti Hewitt (D) Challenger

Patti Hewitt (D) Challenger

Patti Hewitt (D) Challenger

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

"I support passing the Women’s Health Protection Act in order to establish a statutory right for our health care professionals to provide abortion care and women’s right to receive health care which is free from restrictions that single out abortion, reproductive system, or contraception care.

Women should be able to receive reproductive health care based on their medical needs and the advice of their doctors."


"Our position as the leading democracy of the world requires that the United States uphold and defend the principles of this form of government.  That includes the right to free speech, protections that support religious freedom, the ability of all voters to participate in free and fair elections, and the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. 

"We must preserve the separation of church and state in order to ensure that personal religious beliefs aren’t enforced as governmental policy.  Our free and fair elections must be protected through legislation like the John Lewis Voting Act, restoring provisions of the Voting Rights Act that have been weakened by an activist Supreme Court and state legislatures.  I will work with allies to eliminate the laws promulgated by Citizens United that allow dark money to have undue influence on our political process."

Environment/climate change

"Climate change is having an increasingly negative impact on our environment, our economy, and our citizens; particularly our most vulnerable citizens. Coastal Georgia is home to some of the most important and vulnerable ecosystems in the world including the Okefenokee Swamp/Wetlands.  I believe we should allocate federal funding for coastal protection and restoration projects, including efforts to mitigate erosion, restore wetlands, and preserve critical habitats such as marshes and barrier islands.  We should be supporting initiatives to address sea-level rise and climate change impacts on Coastal Georgia, including infrastructure upgrades, shoreline stabilization measures, and ecosystem-based adaptation strategies.

"I support efforts to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels with a plan to eventually phase it out in favor of environmentally safer forms of energy such as wind, solar, and electric.  It is critical that we act now to protect our planet for the future."

Economy/cost of living/inflation

"I am in favor of strengthening federal antitrust enforcement capabilities to reduce the pricing power of corporations that own outsized majorities of the market.  These controls will serve to improve the competitive environment for small business and spur innovation. I also support workers rights including their ability to participate in collective bargaining which will act as a counter-balance to companies profit-seeking priorities.

"These kinds of policies can be found in proposed legislation such as the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act (CALERA).  Aimed at strengthening antitrust laws and enforcement capabilities, the Act would make it easier to challenge anti-competitive mergers and anti-competitive conduct."

On immigration

"This includes enforcing laws pertaining to workplace safety and fair wages as well as child labor laws.  It also includes ensuring that employers are paying appropriate payroll taxes and providing safe housing for resident workers.

"I wish to work with any legislator that is sincere in their desire to solve real problems through sound policies. Particularly with regards to Immigration, a bill was negotiated in good faith, but enacting this law was stopped due to Trump’s insistence on not giving his opponent a win going into the national election.   If a legislator has the vision and courage to act in the best interest of voters in their districts, I believe we can create meaningful legislation that will have a much larger, positive impact on our immigrant communities.

"I believe we should be implementing measures to streamline the asylum application process, including reducing backlogs, increasing staffing and resources for asylum offices and immigration courts, and expediting adjudication of asylum claims to ensure timely decisions.

"I support policies that will provide a pathway to work for immigrants to participate as a much-needed labor force for agriculture, manufacturing, and service-related businesses."


District 2 

Rep. Sanford Bishop (D) Incumbent 

Sanford Bishop

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Bishop did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://sanfordbishop.com/ 


Bishop did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://sanfordbishop.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Bishop did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://sanfordbishop.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Bishop did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://sanfordbishop.com/ 

On immigration

Bishop did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://sanfordbishop.com/ 


Wayne Johnson (R) Challenger 

Wayne Johnson

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.johnsoncongress.com/ 


Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.johnsoncongress.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.johnsoncongress.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.johnsoncongress.com/ 

On immigration

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.johnsoncongress.com/ 



District 3 

Brian Jack (R) 

Brian Jack

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Jack did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://brianjack.com/ 


Jack did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://brianjack.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Jack did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://brianjack.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Jack did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://brianjack.com/ 

On immigration

Jack did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://brianjack.com/ 


Maura Keller (D) 

Maura Keller

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Keller did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://maurakeller.com/ 


Keller did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://maurakeller.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Keller did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://maurakeller.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Keller did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://maurakeller.com/ 

On immigration

Keller did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://maurakeller.com/ 



District 4 

Rep. Hank Johnson (D) Incumbent 

Hank Johnson

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://hankforcongress.com/ 


Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://hankforcongress.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://hankforcongress.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://hankforcongress.com/ 

On immigration

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://hankforcongress.com/ 


Eugene Yu (R) Challenger 

Eugene Yu

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Yu did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.yuforhouse.com/ 


Yu did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.yuforhouse.com/ 

Environment/climate change

did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.yuforhouse.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Yu did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.yuforhouse.com/ 

On immigration

Yu did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.yuforhouse.com/ 





District 5 

Rep. Nikema Williams (D) Incumbent 

Nikema Williams

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

I spent more than a decade fighting for reproductive freedom across Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi with Planned Parenthood Southeast. I am a strong advocate for reproductive freedom and firmly believe that the decision to choose an abortion is a deeply personal matter that should remain between a woman and her healthcare provider. I contend that a woman’s autonomy over her own body is a fundamental human right, and maintaining full access to abortion services ensures that this right is upheld. The government’s role should be to pass a law to restore reproductive freedom, safeguarding the progress made over the past decades and ensuring that women today have the same rights as those who came before them. 


Democracy is a system that makes it possible for every eligible person, no matter their race, age, bank account, or ZIP Code, to have their voice meaningfully heard in their community. That means we must ensure everyone who wants to can register to vote, cast a vote, and have that vote count. We must strengthen our protections against voter suppression by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and proactively make it easier for people to vote by passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the important bills in my Voting Rights Series, such as the Expanding the VOTE Act to increase accessibility to language minority citizens, the Youth Voting Rights Act, to break down barriers to young voters, and the Sustaining Our Democracy Act to ensure our elections are fully funded. 

Environment/climate change

Not only is climate change happening and worsening our quality of life, but we are running out of time to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all. The effects of climate change continue to cause the most harm in marginalized communities and we must approach this work through the lens of environmental justice. Last Congress, my Democratic colleagues and I fought for the inclusion of climate related provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. This Congress, I’ve worked with my colleagues to protect those climate-friendly provisions from extreme MAGA Republicans attacks, while introducing legislation that improves our environmental footprint. That’s why I have introduced legislation like the WISE Act to invest in green projects for water infrastructure, introduced the SUN Act with Rep. Katie Porter to allow right of ways near highways to be equipped with solar paneling and EV infrastructure. As for the City of Atlanta and the City of East Point, I worked to increase their federal environmental infrastructure authorization, so the Army Corps can work with those cities to improve their water infrastructure. As we look to the 119th Congress, we know there is much to do if we take back the majority: Continue to build upon the Inflation Reduction Act, and that must start with focusing on clean energy investments like hydrogen and rethinking our grid resiliency.   

Economy/cost of living/inflation

To support American families struggling with rising costs, I propose several concrete actions. First, we should enhance targeted relief programs like SNAP and Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to better assist those with basic needs. Expanding affordable housing initiatives and rental assistance will address increasing housing costs. I also advocate for measures to reduce healthcare expenses, such as lowering prescription drug prices and expanding insurance options. Supporting small businesses through financial aid and tax relief can help stabilize local economies and offer more affordable goods. Additionally, raising the minimum wage and investing in workforce development will boost earning potential and job security. Lastly, tackling inflation by improving supply chain efficiencies and reducing trade barriers will help control cost increases. These steps are essential for easing financial burdens and ensuring families can thrive. 

On immigration

A divided Congress came to an agreement this year, but Republicans decided that it would help Democrats politically and walked away from their own deal. I would love to see Congress address the gaps in our immigration system and create a more efficient and humane process. I support the American Dream and Promise Act and the NO BAN Act to provide a pathway to citizenship and prevent discriminatory travel bans. I also support numerous efforts to reform and improve our immigration system, including the comprehensive U.S Citizenship Act, the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, the Access to Counsel Act, and the New Way Forward Act. 


John Salvesen (R) Challenger 

John Salvesen

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Salvesen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.bongoforcongress.com/about 


Salvesen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.bongoforcongress.com/about 

Environment/climate change

Salvesen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.bongoforcongress.com/about 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Salvesen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.bongoforcongress.com/about 

On immigration

Salvesen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.bongoforcongress.com/about 


District 6 

Rep. Lucy McBath (D) Incumbent 

Lucy McBath

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

"Like many in America, I struggled to start a family of my own. I know how important it is to protect access to reproductive health care. These are decisions that should be between the individual, their loved ones, and their health care providers so women can make the decision that is right for them."


"My parents raised me during the civil rights movement, and I was taught to fight for our democracy as the foundation of our nation. Democracy can only flourish when all Americans have access to the sacred right of vote. I am proud to help lead the fight to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and policies that protect the right to make our voices heard at the ballot box."

Environment/climate change

"Climate change is an existential threat, and as a mother, I know how important it is to ensure our children live out to see the bright future we fight every single day for. That is why I am proud to work in Congress to ensure policies that protect our environment and preserve our world for future generations are passed into law."

Economy/cost of living/inflation

"I was a single mother during the Great Recession. I know what it’s like to worry about balancing what your kids need with what’s in your pocketbook. That is part of why I am so proud to have worked to pass the Inflation Reduction Act into law. It included my bill capping the cost of insulin at $35 for our seniors, and I am working to expand those savings on prescription drugs. Life-saving medication should not be out of reach for those who need it most."  

On immigration

"I believe we need comprehensive immigration reform that includes a feasible pathway to citizenship. I was disappointed to see the bipartisan immigration bill stopped by members of the extreme right. As members of Congress, we must put solutions above party politics."


Jeff Criswell (R) Challenger 

Jeff Criswell

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

"Abortion policy now decided by state legislatures. I agree with Georgia's current abortion policy. I would not support a national ban on abortion." 


"Open and unfettered elections, free speech, free markets, work together to create American-style democracy. The operative word is FREEDOM. Visionary ideas flourish in a climate of FREEDOM. We're not perfect but is there somewhere else you prefer to live?"

Environment/climate change

"I'm not a scientist and there is no consensus in the scientific community on this. That said, the premise of climate change — that toxins are corrupting the ozone layer — seems plausible to me. Although it's premature to go cold turkey on fossil fuels, let's methodically employ American ingenuity while exploring nuclear, hydrogen, solar and wind as alternatives to gas and coal. This journey will definitely include bumps in the road but all things considered appears to be the prudent course."

Economy/cost of living/inflation

"Inflation has absolutely ravaged the middle class since Harris and McBath took office in 2020. Just about EVERYTHING is far more expensive than it was while Trump was President. There is no way to soft-sell this. Inflation at 20% might as well be a tax. Folks can't afford to eat at restaurants, much less finance new cars and houses. My approach is three-pronged:  

  1. 1. Start chipping away at the $35 TRILLION National Debt. Make getting out of debt a part of our national ethos. 
  2. 2. Stop spending money that we don't have. Sometimes the simple things are the hardest to do.  
  3. 3. Minimize government services and payrolls. Elon Musk has volunteered to provide watchdog oversight of U.S. government spending under President Trump."

On immigration

"The last 4 years have seen an unmitigated catastrophe on our southern border. As many as 10 million illegal aliens have crossed into the U.S. Just recently, we learned that over 400k of them are known criminals, including 15k rapists and 13k murderers. While this happened, Harris and McBath gaslighted the country about the severity of the disaster, as if we were stupid. And there is no doubt that they let these folks in hoping to create a Democrat voting bloc. My immigration policy includes but is not limited to the following:  

  1. 1. We need to find as many of these Harris / McBath illegal aliens as possible and deport them, in the process sending a very stern warning to future hopefuls that the US will not tolerate illegal immigration. 
  2. 2. Let's institute some kind of language requirement - folks who want entry to the US must display some form of English language proficiency.  
  3. 3. Let's become far more selective about who will gain permanent entry; we need talented engineers, scientists, educators, etc."


District 7 

Rep. Rich McCormick (R) Incumbent 

Rich McCormick

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

McCormick did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.richmccormick.us/ 


McCormick did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.richmccormick.us/ 

Environment/climate change

McCormick did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.richmccormick.us/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

McCormick did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.richmccormick.us/ 

On immigration

McCormick did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.richmccormick.us/ 


Bob Christian (D) Challenger 

Bob Christian

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Christian did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://christianforga7.com/ 


Christian did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://christianforga7.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Christian did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://christianforga7.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Christian did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://christianforga7.com/ 

On immigration

Christian did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://christianforga7.com/ 



District 8 

Rep. Austin Scott (R) Incumbent 

Austin Scott

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.scottforga.com/ 


Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.scottforga.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.scottforga.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.scottforga.com/ 

On immigration

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.scottforga.com/ 




Darrius Butler (D) Challenger 

Darrius Butler

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

"As a preacher and a lifelong man of faith, I understand that people have strong feelings about this, and want to see the government take a role in what they see as a life or death issue. But I believe these decisions are between a woman, God, and her doctor — the government does not need to play God in our lives. 

"I always say the government does not need to be in your house, in your bedroom, in your doctors office, or in your church. I don’t believe it’s the business of the government to regulate private or personal behavior in that way. That’s a question for individuals and their loved ones, not for me, or for anyone else, to decide for them. 

"The federal government’s role in reproductive care — or any health care — is simple. The government must ensure Americans have the access and ability to get health care and make decisions about their own care and their own lives. As a member of Congress, I will advocate for the right to privacy and the right to reproductive care across the country, and I’m thankful for the support of Vote Pro Choice, MomsRising, and the National Organization for Women. 

"I believe that we need to expand our health care access, not limit it. In rural Georgia in particular, we need more community health centers and hospitals desperately. We need more prenatal care, maternal care, and even more grocery stores and healthy food options in our community to build health before doctors need to get involved. If I’m elected I will push for all those things, as well as a public option for healthcare, protection and expansion of Medicare, and the inclusion of vision, dental, and mental health care in Medicare."


"I’d define democracy as the way everyday people amplify their voice with the power of numbers. It’s not simple, it’s often not pretty, and it’s far from perfect — but it’s the fairest way to run a society, and we need to protect it the best we can. Georgia, more than anywhere else in the country, has been a critical battleground in the fight for democracy. 

"It’s no secret that Georgia is a closely-divided state. We have a Republican-led state government, but have recently sent Democratic senators and President Biden to Washington. President Trump tried to lean on our secretary of state, and deny the legitimate votes of thousands of Georgians who participated in the democratic process. We owe our thanks to Secretary Raffensperger for refusing that illegal pressure and for protecting the ties that bind the legitimacy of our elections. Because democracy comes before partisanship, and I am grateful he showed leadership in that way. 

"However — not everyone is practicing democracy in good faith. The people who claim that there is widespread fraud or foul play in our elections continue to be proven wrong, but still insist on purging voter rolls, closing polling places, and making it harder to exercise the right to vote. I believe in democracy, and believe that we should be making it easier to vote and make the voices of everyday Americans heard. 

"In Congress, I would advocate for common-sense election reforms that nations around the world have used for decades. That means making Election Day a federal holiday, expanding vote-by-mail, absentee and early voting, and automatic voter registration. I would also push for protecting and strengthening our election security by fully funding our Post Office, especially in rural areas like ours, as well as advocating for nonpartisan election boards and officials at the state level, which should be trained at the highest level and protected from pressure and threats from bad-faith partisan actors that try to influence the vote."

Environment/climate change

"Climate change is real and it’s here. Politicians and industries that continue to deny man-made climate change are fooling themselves or profiting from continuing this discussion. The time for debate is over. It’s time for action, and we can’t afford to let this warming trend continue, and doom the next generation. 

"Georgia is not immune from increased storms, and as we enter hurricane season yet again, we have to recognize reality. Hurricane Idalia slammed Middle Georgia last year, and it’s likely to only get worse. Our critical agriculture industry is vulnerable to massive storms and weather changes, wiping out crops and flooding fields with massive damage to farmer’s yield. Keeping our heads in the sand is suicide, and it is keeping us blind to the opportunity that clean energy presents us. Clean energy is not only a moral winner but the next big economic boom. 

"As your Congressman, I would fully fund FEMA, and invest in keeping Georgians safe from ever-stronger natural disasters. This is especially important for our farmers, who have faced damage from storms that they can’t prepare for. Our farmers need protection and resources to help them when rain and wind wipes out entire fields, leaving them empty-handed. I would advocate for higher funding for windbreaks, replanting, and storm-resistant construction. We need to protect the industry that Georgia and the world relies on, while also making investments in our future. 

"Georgians deserve our piece of the Green Economic boom. I would advocate for a transition away from fossil fuels, and the creation of new environmentally-friendly jobs throughout Middle and South Georgia. Key to that is making sure that fossil fuel workers are top priority in clean energy job selection and retraining, in addition to communities traditionally harmed by the negative effects of fossil fuels. For too long rural America has faced the brunt of Climate Change, and the worst effects of big fossil fuel industries. It’s time that we turn that around, and lead the clean energy future. 

"I am honored by the support of American Youth for Climate Action and climate change advocate the Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, and will continue to work for a clean energy future and better life for the next generation." 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

"Americans have been paying too much — for too little — for too long. And despite our pandemic-era supply chain issues being solved a long time ago, prices have remained high. 

"Make no mistake: this is corporate greed gone unchecked. Corporations continue to rake in record profits, and pocket them. They aren’t investing in their workers, and they aren’t investing in our communities. 

"The cost of housing, groceries, gas, education, and health care continue to rise. Right here in the 8th District, Valdosta has seen the highest sales price increase of any metro in the state, skyrocketing nearly 70% since last year alone. 

"In Congress, I would support efforts to battle high prices brought on by corporate raiders like Blackrock, who buy up homes across the country, or pharmaceutical companies that make record profits on the backs of sick Americans. I would expand Pell Grants for higher education and trade schools so people can afford to get the schooling they need. 

"In Middle Georgia, high prices hit our farmers hard. I would advocate for fairer trade deals that prioritize American farmers, and reject international trade deals that destroy American industries and undercut our workers, farmers, and businesses.

"I support expanding the Child Tax Credit, and other tax credits for first-time homebuyers and new families, to bring down the ever-rising cost of achieving the American Dream. 

"I would also encourage American workers of all stripes to organize their workplaces with a union, which is proven to be the best way to achieve a living wage, protections in the workplace, and power over your livelihood. I am honored by the endorsements of the Georgia AFL-CIO, United Farm Workers, and the United Steelworkers, and will continue to fight for organized labor when in Congress."

On immigration

"Our survey respondents had varying viewpoints on immigration, but the one thing all agreed on was wanting Congress to work together across party lines to come up with a permanent framework to address the issue. What specific actions would you support to address immigration, and do you believe a divided Congress has the ability to come to a consensus? 

"While Georgia is not a border state, around 10% of the state is foreign-born. These Georgian immigrants have contributed $13.6 billion in taxes. Our industry and in particular our farms benefit greatly from immigrant labor. Over 60% of our farm workers are here on a temporary visa. Immigration is a reality that our state relies on to function, and immigrants remain a critical part of our community here in Middle Georgia. I am grateful for the endorsement from the United Farm Workers, and will continue to advocate for a living wage for all workers, regardless of nationality. 

"Right now, Congress is gridlocked by design. They have long-failed to come to a consensus on immigration because so many politicians want to use the issue to run for office on a platform of fear and distrust. They want to run on a problem rather than solve it. 

"While I believe in working across the aisle, I think there are many politicians who don’t, and they have been able to dominate and control this conversation to the detriment of the American people. Immigration is a part of America’s story, our economy, and our communities. 

"As a member of Congress I would support comprehensive reform that includes a path to citizenship, protections for DREAMers, continuation of the H-2A visa that many Georgia farm workers use, as well as a budget that protects and fully-funds our understaffed Border Patrol."


District 9 

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R) Incumbent 

Andrew Clyde

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Clyde did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://clyde.house.gov/ 


Clyde did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://clyde.house.gov/ 

Environment/climate change

Clyde did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://clyde.house.gov/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Clyde did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://clyde.house.gov/ 

On immigration

Clyde did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://clyde.house.gov/ 



Tambrei Cash (D) Challenger 

Tambrei Cash

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

"I strongly believe that abortion is a healthcare issue, not a political one. Unfortunately, many in government have chosen to politicize it, and that is simply unacceptable. The relentless conspiracies from some on the right regarding abortion are deeply troubling, and I will not stand for it in Congress. The government’s responsibility is to protect medical freedom for all, starting with passing legislation to restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.  

"Today, I have fewer rights than I did when I was born, and that is unacceptable. Women in my district and across Georgia are losing their lives because of these dangerous bans on reproductive health care. Our health care providers are highly trained professionals who, along with their patients, are best equipped to make these deeply personal decisions. It’s time we trust women and their doctors — not politicians — with matters of health care."  


"Democracy is exactly as described, but it is so much more. The United States once stood as a shining example of democracy for the world, yet recently as 2020, some have actively participated in undermining that legacy. Passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act is crucial, but it’s equally important to ensure that no one — not even the president — is above the law. Democracy will endure, but it requires our protection and vigilance to ensure it works for everyone."

Environment/climate change

"Climate change is one of the greatest existential threats we face today. Human activity is accelerating us toward a tipping point, and if we don’t take immediate, decisive action, we may reach a point of no return. In Congress, my focus will be on holding corporations accountable for their significant contributions to this crisis. While individual actions are important, I believe the current conversation around climate change focuses too heavily on personal responsibility, when in reality, corporations bear the bulk of the responsibility. We need to aggressively transition to renewable energy, integrate it into our economy at a rapid pace, and provide tax incentives for both businesses and individuals who reduce their carbon emissions. This is how we create meaningful change."

Economy/cost of living/inflation

"Our economy is on the mend, with positive signs like decreasing inflation and stabilizing interest rates. However, we’re still operating under Trump’s 2017 tax plan, which largely benefited big corporations and the wealthiest Americans. That plan doesn’t expire until 2025, but we need to be ready to replace it with a fairer tax system — one that puts working families first and ensures corporations pay their fair share."

"One of the biggest challenges we’re still facing is corporate price gouging and monopolistic practices. While inflation has improved, some industries are hiking prices far beyond their actual costs, hurting consumers and slowing our recovery. We need stronger regulations to prevent this kind of exploitation so that the recovery benefits everyone, not just those at the top.

"We also have to address trade deficits and rethink harmful tariffs that burden American consumers and businesses. Instead of costly trade wars, we should focus on building fairer trade relationships that promote American jobs and enhance our competitiveness globally.  

"Ultimately, economic success must be accessible to all Americans. This means investing in education, affordable health care, and workforce development, ensuring that everyone—regardless of their background — has the opportunity to thrive in our growing economy."

On immigration

"We absolutely need to strengthen border security and pursue meaningful immigration reform, but we also need to be honest with the American people about the root causes of these challenges. Using fear tactics to manipulate voters is unacceptable. A bipartisan border security bill was blocked because Donald Trump didn’t want to fix the problem — solving it might have made President Biden look good in an election year. Are we here to solve real problems or just create fear to win votes? This kind of political game-playing wastes taxpayer money that could be used to actually fix the issues. It’s unrealistic to think everyone will get exactly what they want, but a common-sense compromise is possible. I’m ready to work with my congressional team and colleagues in Congress to find practical, long-term solutions for immigration reform."



District 10 

Rep. Mike Collins (R) Incumbent 

Mike Collins

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Collins did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mikecollinsga.com/ 


Collins did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mikecollinsga.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Collins did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mikecollinsga.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Collins did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mikecollinsga.com/ 

On immigration

Collins did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mikecollinsga.com/ 


Lexy Doherty (D) Challenger 

Lexy Doherty

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Doherty did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lexydoherty.com/ 


Doherty did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lexydoherty.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Doherty did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lexydoherty.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Doherty did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lexydoherty.com/ 

On immigration

Doherty did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lexydoherty.com/ 



District 11 

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R) Incumbent 

Barry Loudermilk

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Loudermilk did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://loudermilk.house.gov/ 


Loudermilk did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://loudermilk.house.gov/ 

Environment/climate change

Loudermilk did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://loudermilk.house.gov/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Loudermilk did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://loudermilk.house.gov/ 

On immigration

Loudermilk did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://loudermilk.house.gov/ 


Katy Stamper (D) Challenger 

Katy Stamper

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Stamper did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://katylstamper.com/ 


Stamper did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://katylstamper.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Stamper did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://katylstamper.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Stamper did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://katylstamper.com/ 

On immigration

Stamper did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://katylstamper.com/ 


District 12 

Rep. Rick Allen (R) Incumbent 

Rick Allen

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Allen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://allen.house.gov/ 


Allen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://allen.house.gov/ 

Environment/climate change

Allen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://allen.house.gov/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Allen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://allen.house.gov/ 

On immigration

Allen did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://allen.house.gov/ 


Liz Johnson (D) Challenger 

Liz Johnson_Voterguide

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lizjohnsonforus.com/ 


Johnson did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lizjohnsonforus.com/ 

Environment/climate change

did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lizjohnsonforus.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lizjohnsonforus.com/ 

On immigration

did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.lizjohnsonforus.com/ 



District 13 

Rep. David Scott (D) Incumbent 

David Scott

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://votedavidscott.com/ 


Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://votedavidscott.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://votedavidscott.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://votedavidscott.com/ 

On immigration

Scott did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://votedavidscott.com/ 



Jonathan Chavez (R) Challenger

Jonathan Chavez

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Chavez did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.chavezforcongress.com/ 


Chavez did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.chavezforcongress.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Chavez did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.chavezforcongress.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Chavez did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.chavezforcongress.com/ 

On immigration

Chavez did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.chavezforcongress.com/ 



District 14 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) Incumbent 

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

Greene did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mtgforamerica.com/ 


Greene did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mtgforamerica.com/ 

Environment/climate change

Greene did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mtgforamerica.com/ 

Economy/cost of living/inflation

Greene did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mtgforamerica.com/ 

On immigration

Greene did not respond directly to the submitted question. Learn more at https://www.mtgforamerica.com/ 


Shawn Harris (D) Challenger 

Shawn Harris

Women's reproductive rights/abortion

"I’m pro-choice and believe we need to reinstate Roe v. Wade. This is a medical procedure and that makes it a health care decision. Family planning is a private family matter and those are the only people, along with their chosen medical professional, who should have any say about treatment of any kind.  The government has no place in the exam room."


"Democracy is fundamentally about collective decision-making by its citizens that protects individual rights, political equality, and the accountability of leaders to the people. A healthy democracy allows for diverse voices and opinions, an environment where citizens can engage in political processes and hold their representatives accountable. 

"We need to do more to protect our right to vote by actively fighting all forms of voter suppression. We do this by encouraging political participation by combating misinformation and strengthening our civic education programs and providing a safe space to have the hard conversations necessary to build bridges across different experiences and viewpoints."

Environment/climate change

"Yes — climate change is real. Anyone is the Southeast who just experienced back-to-back hurricanes knows it’s real. We still have a lot of education to do so people are comfortable making some of the necessary changes but that’s part of the process. For me, I want to talk about renewable energy. I’m not saying no fossil fuels but we need to integrate things. It’s too costly to depend on one or two energy sources and it’s dangerous from a national security perspective.  

"We need to increase our energy efficiency as well.  This extends beyond green buildings to transportation and general consumption practices.  Sustainable agriculture is something I talk about on my farm and with other farmers every day.  Proper crop and livestock rotation are very important to successful farming and a better environment. Farmers want to be sustainable and are good stewards of their land.  We want to be a part of creating and sustaining a diverse biological environment."

Economy/cost of living/inflation

"I plan to address this by voting for measures that will actually help average people. I will not only support anti-price gouging legislation but will hold companies who have been found guilty of price manipulation accountable. That includes the company leadership. I’m going to fight for tax relief that benefits working people, not millionaires. That means supporting things like expanding the child tax credit.

"We also need to do real work to fix our supply chain issues. Food supplies can be regional instead of international.  

"I’ll also be working to bring high-paying, generational jobs to Northwest Georgia. I plan to use my connections in the defense and aerospace industries to make us the next Huntsville, Ala.  Whether you have a GED or a Ph.D., you have the right to a good paying job close to home and your family.   

On immigration

"Addressing immigration effectively requires a balanced approach that respects humanitarian needs while ensuring national security and economic stability. To do that, we need to take a broader view of the issue. Let me be clear — our immigration system is broken.  My first step toward addressing it will be to vote for the Senate bill that stalled in the House. Is it perfect? No — but it’s a step forward and that’s what we need.  

"I will work for a clear and simplified path toward citizenship for those who have been in and worked in America for years — many of whom serve(d) in our military.  We need to streamline the process and make sure people aren’t jumping the line thereby slowing the system down.  

"A program focused on effectively addressing our very critical labor shortages — especially in agriculture — is something we need to reassess and improve. 

GPB is one of several public media stations across the country working with America Amplified to cover the 2024 Election. Funded by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting the project supports community engagement journalism.