Democrats have spent months negotiating with themselves, undercutting their ability to take credit for bills of significance they are now passing, but for which they aren't getting credit.
One of the lessons from inflationary eras past is that voters are less interested in causal responsibility than in forcing a change. In other words, if you are in office now, you are holding the bag.
Both parties in Virginia and New Jersey were left to contemplate how Republicans ran well without Trump on the ballot or in office, while Democrats found it hard to hold recent gains in the suburbs.
The deadly shooting on the set of Rust has workers in Hollywood pushing — again — for broader safety rules. But a fragmented industry and a history of complacent leadership have stood in their way.
Tucker Carlson's new three-part series on the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol relies on a rogue's gallery of conspiracy theorists to divert blame from supporters of former President Donald Trump.
The former president threatens that GOP leaders must match their priorities to his or face a mass defection by the party's most reliable voters. It's without precedent, but there is a parallel.
Colin Powell was hailed as a hero for a swift and speedy U.S. victory in the Gulf in 1991. But his reputation suffered from his flawed presentation in advance of the second Iraq war 12 years later.
Colin Powell was hailed as a hero for a swift and speedy U.S. victory in the Gulf in 1991. But his reputation suffered from his flawed presentation in advance of the second Iraq war 12 years later.
Republicans in Texas and Florida are combatting COVID-19 mandates as a matter of personal liberty, even as the data show just how crucial vaccination — and mandates — are to beating the virus.
Of 4,202 applications from late 2018 to June 2021 only 194 were granted asylum. Some Haitians say there's been a history of racism and mistreatment by U.S. authorities for more than a century.
In her debut book, My Monticello, author Jocelyn Nicole Johnson asks what it means to claim a home in a place like Charlottesville, Va., — where whom the city belongs to has long been in question.