The snake, stretching 19 feet, was caught in the Big Cypress National Preserve. The invasive species runs rampant through southern Florida, wreaking havoc on the state's native animal populations.
After a logistically complicated journey of over 36 hours, 14 juvenile giraffes have made it to their subspecies' native homeland in Iona National Park.
A deadly toxin has been poisoning sea lions and dolphins, causing seizures, erratic behavior, bulging eyes and foaming at the mouth. It has been especially worse for pregnant mammals.
A tentacled summer visitor has arrived on the shores of the western Gulf. It looks like a jellyfish, but it's not. Look at the beautiful blue creatures — but don't touch, say state officials.
The Devils Hole pupfish's natural habitat is a single water-filled hole in a cave in the Nevada desert. Its numbers at one point dwindled to just 35 animals. How does it manage to survive?
It's only the world's third known octopus nursery. The research team may have also discovered a new species of Muusoctopus, a genus of small to medium sized octopus that lacks an ink sack.
Beekeepers lost nearly half of their honeybee colonies last year. Without bees, farmers can't grow the fruits and plants that feed us. So farmers are working harder to get their crops pollinated.
The nation has banned the bags that typically hold vegetables and fruit. Recyclable, biodegradable or plant-based plastic bag are also included in the ban.
Over three years, hundreds of volunteers will fan out across California to survey wild bees, with the goal of piecing together a picture of where they live and which species are in trouble.
Cephalopod Week is the annual celebration of octopi and the like. As part of this year's celebration, Science Friday partners with GPB to salute the ocean's super-smart invertebrates on June 28.
The state is moving quickly to destroy the snails before the snails destroy Florida's crops. The snails contain both male and female reproductive organs and lay up to 500 eggs at a time.
Monarch butterflies with more white spots on their mostly orange-and-black wings are more successful at long-distance migration. Some scientists think the spots may affect airflow around their wings.