Apps like ReelShort, FlickReels and DramaBox offer short clips that add up to movie-length stories. Plus, they're filmed vertically, so you can follow the twisty plotlines without turning your phone.
The age of technologically assisted mass voter challenges is well upon us, and these tools could have a major impact on the 2024 elections. Fans of the apps say they will help prevent cheating by removing invalid voters from the rolls, making it harder for bad actors to cast fake votes. Opponents say all they will do is insert chaos into the process.
The winners confronted stigma and health equity in some countries with their tech ideas to help LGBTQI+ youth reach out for help and let women access private OB-GYN care.
Everything from your vocal cord vibrations to breathing patterns when you speak offers potential information about your health. Researchers are collecting voice data to one day use in an app.
Some online therapy companies are facing scrutiny for how they handle user data. Experts weigh in on what patients can do to keep their data safer when using these types of services.
Google and Apple teamed up on using smartphones to track coronavirus infections. But the systems are only available in a few states, where they're being used by a tiny percentage of the population.