The one act opera, titled "Forsyth County is Flooding (with the Joy of Lake Lanier)," is billed as a dark comedy. The production reflects on an environmental and spiritual retribution around two events in Georgia history: The forced exile of black residents from Forsyth County in 1912, and the decades-later creation of Lake Lanier, a manmade recreational lake in reservoir that covers a large part of North Georgia, including a town at the center of the events in 1912 known as Oscarville.
The Atlanta Opera has reached a new "Budget One" status because of its expanded programs and performances, making it one of the top 10 operas in the nation.
Performances may have been canceled, but the Atlanta arts community isn’t sitting idly at home during the pandemic. The Atlanta Opera and the Alliance...
The Atlanta Opera's production of "Dead Man Walking" tells the story of Sister Helen Prejean and her relationship with death row inmate Joseph de Rocher...