NPR readers share their favorite tips on how to cope with heat without an air conditioner. Among the tips: take a shower with a sheet on, then wear it to bed.
Nearly 5,000 NPR readers told us how they dealt with COVID on a trip. Did they respect the CDC guidance to wait 10 days before flying? Or did they travel anyway? What lessons do they have to share?
Nearly 100 NPR readers gave their views on encouraging kids to do tasks on their own at home and in the community. Some are opposed to the practice for safety reasons. Others shared personal stories.
We asked global thinkers like Malala, doctors dealing with the pandemic, educators and more — if you were in charge of the world, what would you like to see happen this year.
We asked NPR readers to share photos of the objects they can't live without during the pandemic. Their responses are funny, surprising — and some might make you tear up.
Nominated by NPR readers, we highlight the story of seven women who overcame personal struggles through the pandemic – and how they found the strength to pull through.
Can rubbing hand sanitizer inside the nostrils help reduce infection? Can spraying Lysol in a room every hour or so disinfect the air? Plus: a primer on how to use hand sanitizer effectively.
This week our readers have lots of ... interesting ... queries involving opening windows during winter in North Dakota, trying not to breathe during a micro-encounter and spraying a mask with ... oil?
Are you seeing more American flags these days or maybe flying one yourself? Tell us what the United States flag means to you and whether that has changed over time.
We asked NPR readers to tell us about people who are coming up with creative ways to to address COVID-19 challenges in their community. Here are six of their stories.