Sunscreen is crucial for skin protection and the SPF is important. But dermatologists say the key to good summer skin care is applying plenty of lotion and re-applying it often, even when it's cloudy.
Physical activity is vital for children’s health. But a recent study from the University of Georgia shows there are disparities in access to places where kids can play.
Games probably won't rot your kid's brain. But kids do need guidance in using them wisely. Here's how to help them, starting with spending some of your own time in the games your kids can't put down.
Poor diet, lack of exercise, stress and trauma, all drive America's declining life expectancy and high rates of chronic disease. So how can we live better in America? NPR looks for answers.
Kids today live in an ultra-processed world: Nearly 70% of what they eat is packaged, processed and probably not great for them. Here are ways to cut back, without cooking every meal from scratch.
As states begin to require people to requalify for the free health insurance, many who are eligible are losing coverage because of administrative snafus.
Studies show too much noise, particularly loud, irregular noise, can hurt a child's brain development, because if sound is irregular, it distracts our brains and makes concentration more difficult.
Dr. Vivek Murthy says social media makes kids feel worse about themselves, and they can't get off of it. He says "we need safety standards for social media the way we have for cars, for car seats."
For parents of teenagers, adolescence can be challenging, but to a brain scientist it's a time of breathtaking development. And it's a "window of opportunity" on the way to becoming an adult.
Researchers with Children's Healthcare of Atlanta found a new skin patch with tiny amounts of peanut protein helped kids under age 4 better tolerate peanut exposure.
At least 58,000 childern younger than 5 years old are hospitalized each year with RSV infections. A Pfizer vaccine given to pregnant people could help protect their infants from severe RSV illness.
Many parents are worried about their kids losing themselves for hours on their phones. Turns out, teens are troubled too. But they also know a lot about how to get unhooked. Here's how they do it.
The bill cleared the GOP-controlled Legislature after a final vote in the Senate over the objections of Democrats. Texas is now poised to join at least 17 other states that have enacted similar bans.