The Loveland police officers were involved in the forceful arrest and detention of Karen Garner, a 73-year-old woman with dementia. The announcement came after a federal civil rights suit was filed.
Lingering effects of the storm are expected to cause dangerous conditions though early Monday as residents dig out from under the weekend's record breaking levels of snow.
The city's Civil Service Commission denied the appeals of three officers who were connected to photos that imitated chokeholds where the Black man's violent arrest led to his death.
"What happened to the innocent occupants is unacceptable and preventable, but that alone is an insufficient basis to affix criminal culpability," the district attorney's office said on Friday.
A Black sisterhood of hikers in Colorado now has chapters across the U.S. and Canada, and includes other sports. "Being around nature, it's like grounding yourself," a founder says. "That is vital."
"Colorado is the home of weak snow and avalanches are not uncommon. This year is worse," the Colorado Avalanche Information Center said Sunday. A snowmobiler in Wyoming also died on Friday.
Hospitals across the country are struggling as staffers get infected with the coronavirus. It's especially tough for small, rural hospitals, where even one doctor out sick can upend patient capacity.
What would a national popular vote mean? Instead of watching days of livestreams of swing state poll workers, the result would have been settled on Tuesday night.
The state saw more than 8,000 new cases last week. Gov. Jared Polis has enacted a mask mandate and limited social gatherings but has encountered pushback.
Even as county fairs are being canceled across the country, some are allowing a core element to continue: 4-H club livestock shows. It preserves some normalcy and is a chance to earn college money.