In an outbreak in Provincetown, Mass., three-quarters of cases occurred in fully vaccinated people. The study's findings suggest that vaccinated people infected with delta can transmit the virus.
American Michael Andrew isn't wearing a mask while speaking to journalists. He says it's hard to breathe after a race. U.S. Olympic officials initially said he broke protocol, but then said it's OK.
China is battling to stem the spread of new cases tied to the more infectious variant. Nearly 200 people have been infected since last week, when a case was detected at an international airport.
The CDC information dated Thursday gives new details on this variant of the coronavirus and says the agency should "acknowledge that the war has changed." It was first reported by The Washington Post.
Georgia’s COVID case numbers jumped by 4,800 in the state figures reported Thursday, continuing a recent upswing that’s apparently fueled by the Delta variant.
President Biden has called on states and localities to offer $100 to people who get vaccinated. Many states have already offered cash incentives, with varying results.
Daily coronavirus cases in Tokyo have set records for three days straight, but Japan's prime minister denies that the Olympic Games are causing the spike.
The push and pull between the state and local officials during the pandemic is familiar: Last year, Republican Gov. Brian Kemp blocked local leaders from imposing their own facial covering requirements. This year, his power to do so is more limited.
Reversing a decision made in May that allowed fully vaccinated people to ditch the mask, the Department of Defense will follow the CDC's most recent mask guidance.
The CDC wants vaccinated people to wear masks indoors if the coronavirus is spreading widely where they live. Find out the level of virus transmission in your county.
New numbers from Georgia’s Department of Public Health show nearly all new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the state in the past seven months were among unvaccinated people.
The city surpassed a record that had been set a day earlier, notching more than 3,000 new cases on Tuesday. For the first time in four days, no Olympic athletes tested positive for the coronavirus.
Great Britain's Tom Dean was diagnosed with COVID for a second time just a few months ahead of the Olympic trials. Now he has two gold medals in Tokyo.
The African country, previously credited for high childhood vaccination rates, was 1 of 4 countries to reject COVID vaccines. Now they've done a 180. It's unclear if its citizens will go along.
It protects from drizzles and thunderstorms but not a hurricane. In other words, if you are exposed again and again to infected people, there's some risk you could get sick.