Thousands of demonstrators, most without masks, had gathered in a tightly packed crowd at the city's Brandenburg Gate, objecting to government measures intended to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
Georgia reported more than 4,500 new COVID-19 infections Tuesday, roughly matching the large increase reported a week ago that was the highest in months.
More than 900 of newly reported cases came from rapid antigen tests, which state officials don’t consider “confirmed’’ cases. The state’s Department of Public Health also said about 1,000 of Tuesday’s cases stemmed from a lag in reporting Monday due to a technical issue.
Millions of people are pinning hopes for a return to normal on a COVID-19 vaccine as cases and deaths continue to mount in Georgia and the U.S., but public health officials have work to do to make sure communities hit hardest by the virus have access to treatment.
The vaccine was found to be 95% effective in an updated study analysis. Safety data required by the Food and Drug Administration showed no serious concerns, the company said.
"With COVID-19 cases increasing around the country, we will have to modify how to observe [Carnival] season," the mayor said. She's asking for alternative ideas from the public.
Young adults are preparing to travel home for Thanksgiving, but the coronavirus is making things complicated. Epidemiologists say there are things families can to do reduce the risk of infection.
Health officials are asking more than 300 people who were in attendance to get tested and quarantine after a large wedding earlier this month near Ritzville, Wash.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued a "three-week pause" to curb coronavirus cases in the state. A Trump administration official encouraged residents to "rise up" against the restrictions.
With hospitals in the state filling up with patients, Gov. Kim Reynolds, who once dismissed restrictions as "feel-good" measures, said Monday: "If Iowans don't buy into this, we'll lose."
The demand for travel nurses has soared since the pandemic collided with a general shortage of RNs in Georgia and nationally. Experienced nurses are needed everywhere, especially those who work with respiratory patients and in intensive care units.
With COVID-19 cases soaring lots of people are conflicted about Thanksgiving plans. Experts are recommending we spend the holiday with just the people who live in our homes this year.
The shift into the "purple tier" for most counties comes as the number of daily new coronavirus cases doubled in the past 10 days, Gov. Gavin Newsom said. He also apologized for breaking the rules.
Doctors at Emory University on Monday celebrated the news from biotech company Moderna that its COVID-19 vaccine is 94.5% effective, saying the breakthrough is a historic day for science and that the next frontier will be to convince Americans to take it when the vaccine becomes available.