Hawaiian crows are extinct in the wild and are found nowhere else on Earth. Now, a small group, safeguarded in captivity, has been released in the forests of Maui.
Hawaii's native tree snails, known as the "jewels of the forest," are rapidly disappearing. Some of the most imperiled only live in human care now, safeguarded 24 hours a day.
McCloskey's story has both deep roots and burgeoning relevance. He died this month at 96 and had long been out of the limelight, but the issues he had been willing to champion are as salient as ever.
Though monarchs have been migrating thousands of miles south during the winter for centuries, and the majority still do, more monarchs are staying in the southern U.S. during the winter as it gets warmer. That’s a problem.
Wildlife conservationists' slow-burn approach means projects can last decades — often longer than their entire careers. But sometimes, these scientists do get to see the mark they leave on the Earth.
The species, including birds, mussels and a bat, have been moved off the threatened and endangered list. They join 650 other species that have gone extinct in the U.S.
A new global assessment of the world's amphibians finds that more than 2 of every 5 known species is at risk of extinction. Habitat loss, disease and climate change are the main drivers.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has awarded Georgia more than $1.3 million for land acquisition efforts aimed at protecting several imperiled species.
There were only an estimated seven red wolves left in the wild when a coalition of conservation organizations decided to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Devils Hole pupfish's natural habitat is a single water-filled hole in a cave in the Nevada desert. Its numbers at one point dwindled to just 35 animals. How does it manage to survive?
With spring well underway, the North Atlantic right whales that migrated to Georgia to give birth here over the winter have migrated back north to their feeding grounds off New England and Canada.
The spider lives in open woodland habitats, building burrows in Central Queensland's black soils. Much of its habitat has been lost to land clearing, meaning it's likely an endangered species.