Domestic violence victims believe that 'red flag' laws that remove firearms from people in crisis can save lives. The U.S. Supreme Court will consider the issue in a Texas case next month. Former Georgia prosecutor April Ross has been a quadriplegic since her estranged husband shot her before killing himself in 2014. She says what's lost in the argument is the value of human life — including his.
The mother of one of 19 children killed in the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, has filed a federal lawsuit against police, the school district and the Georgia-based maker of the gun used in the massacre.
Accidental gunshot deaths by children handling a gun were higher in March through December 2020 than during that same time in 2019. Researchers think 2021 will be worse.
On this edition of Political Rewind, we talk with former Georgia Congressman Jack Kingston. He's making national headlines for comments calling into...