They make their living off the sea, but their catch is dwindling. So these traditional fisherfolk are taking steps to preserve both sea life — and their livelihood.
Conservationists and environmental groups are sounding the alarm over a measure that they say will unravel the protections for fishing and hunting in Georgia that were fast-tracked last session.
The House has signed off on a controversial measure that opponents say will limit the public’s ability to float and paddle on Georgia’s smaller waterways.
Georgia lawmakers passed legislation on the last day of this year’s General Assembly session guaranteeing Georgians the right to fish in navigable portions of the state’s rivers and streams.
Three Alaska Native Villages have changed their school calendar so that students now can take part in things like the fall moose hunt and the spring migratory bird harvest.
A new study takes a comprehensive look at the plastic debris smothering reefs, where in the ocean it's more prevalent — and how to deal with the problem.
Georgians’ right to fish in navigable portions of the state’s rivers and streams was safeguarded in the final seconds of this year’s legislative session.
Conservationists say a sustainable fishing program has helped the recovery of the local pirarucu — which can be up to 10-feet long and weigh 450 pounds.
A grand jury indicted the fishing team on charges of cheating, attempted grand theft and possessing criminal tools. They had stood to win nearly $30,000.
That's what a charity worker said of their latest plan. The Kenyan fishmongers got their own boats to escape pressure to trade sex for fish to sell. Then floods wiped them out. Now there's new hope.
Fishing in the Gulf of California has nearly wiped out the vaquita marina. But a new genetic analysis offers hope for the engandered porpoise: the species can make a comeback, if humans protect it.