The regulator is taking another swing at Facebook after a judge tossed out its initial effort in June. It accused the social media giant of illegally maintaining a monopoly.
The new Federal Trade Commission chair's first big challenge will be rewriting a lawsuit against Facebook that a federal court tossed out earlier this week.
The decision is a blow to the Federal Trade Commission and 48 state attorneys general, who were pushing for the federal court to break up the social media giant.
An NPR investigation has identified a web of more than 30 medical practices and compounding pharmacies in over a dozen states that have made claims about thymosin alpha-1 online and on social media.
A loved one's health could depend on the truth if you get a call from a real contact tracer about your exposure to the coronavirus. But beware impostors who ask you for payment or to click on a link.
Federal law generally prohibits dietary supplements from claiming to treat specific diseases or viruses. Yet NPR found more than 100 products sold on Amazon that make unsubstantiated antiviral claims.
The German automakers have finished compensating U.S. owners as part of a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission. Most drivers chose to replace their vehicles, not repair them, the FTC says.