The world's worst cyclones hit Bangladesh. Floods are devastating. Yet death tolls are falling. The country's climate disaster strategies offer lessons for all coastal communities.
In response to our series on spillover viruses, you had many questions: from the role of climate change to possible benefits. We turn the mic to you for a special edition of 'Hidden Viruses.'
Monday, March 20 is International Day of Happiness — as proclaimed by the United Nations. The themes this year are gratitude and kindness. We asked photographers to send us images in that vein.
In 2003, the military surgeon watched in disbelief as Chinese officials downplayed how SARS was spreading — and took the risk of alerting the media to the cover-up. He died this past week at age 91.
Data was released briefly, then rescinded. As NPR reported previously, there is already strong evidence pointing to these animals in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan.
The countries hit by this unprecedented storm now must help survivors who may have lost nearly everything. We talk to an aid worker on the ground in Mozambique for insights.
Camps in Syria have become overcrowded in the northwest of the country after the February 6 earthquake. NPR talks to Dr. Mego Terzian of Doctors without Borders about his assessment of the situation.
The video of goats dashing through the streets of San Francisco drew thousands of views on Twitter and was the subject of much joking. We asked a goat specialist to weigh in.
What's the risk of contracting a surprising virus from Fido or Kitty? It's not a frivolous question, as one virologist explains. And there's another question: Can you give a virus to your pet?
A song from the blockbuster Indian film RRR won the Oscar for best song and is now the talk of India's music biz. But will it lift other musicians to — well, not fame but at least financial security?
Three years ago, the novel coronavirus swept the world. Here are 24 quotes and 13 photos that sum up the reaction in the weeks before the World Health Organization's declaration of a global pandemic.
In the 74 years that the Academy of Motion Pictures has selected a winner in the international film category, the statistics paint a tilted global picture.
Women marched on International Women's Day to demand equal rights in Pakistan. But their slogans, like "my body, my choice," are red meat for conservatives who see the protesters as un-Islamic.