In a year where there was a plethora of bad news around the world — climate, conflict and more — there were moments of joy in our global coverage. Take a look!
For International Day of Happiness, photographers sent us pictures of a Syrian boy who finds joy caring for farm animals, Ukrainian girls on a trampoline, music lovers grooving to the blues and more.
A new happiness report finds sharp declines in well-being among adolescents and young adults in the U.S. But the picture is better for people aged 60 and older, marking a striking generational divide.
The new documentary Agent of Happiness explores Bhutan's efforts to measure its own "gross national happiness." The film follows one not-especially-happy agent who gathers the data.
Researchers who told people to either buy themselves a gift or give one to a stranger, found those who gave to others felt a lot happier. Here's how to get the mood boost without the shopping stress.
A new citizen-scientist research project aims to test whether daily moments of awe, kindness and gratitude can make a real impact. Early results are promising. And it's not too late to join the study.
Finland has held the title of world's happiest country for six years running. It wants to teach people how to unlock their "inner Finn" during a four-day masterclass at a lakeside resort in June.
Sure, you may resent how much of your energy gets sucked up by your job. But research finds that keeping up relationships with colleagues may have a big upside to your health and happiness.
Happiness can sometimes feel just out of reach. But having more fun? You've got this — and those giggles and playful moments can make a big difference to your health and well-being.
It's been two long years of COVID gloom. But NPR's readers didn't let it keep them down. From cicada tracking to open-water swimming to roller-skating squads, you share how you bring the fun.
Jaku spread his message of happiness and resilience in a popular TED Talk and 2020 memoir. He died in Sydney, where he co-founded the Sydney Jewish Museum and educated students about the Holocaust.