After a decades-long decline, the number of loggerhead sea turtle nests on the Georgia coast hit its all-time high since recording began in the late 1980s. But an expert says there's still a lot of conservation work to do.
Staff at the Tybee Marine Science Center rescued Ike in 2020 when he was a tiny straggler too weak to climb out of his North Beach nest on his own. He is the latest in a series of rescued loggerheads who serve as the center’s “marine debris ambassador.”
In a federal lawsuit filed Monday, the group One Hundred Miles is seeking a preliminary injunction to block the Corps from conducting year-round operation and maintenance dredging in Brunswick Harbor starting as early as mid-May.
Loggerhead sea turtles are wrapping up a record nesting and hatching season on the Georgia coast. More than 3,900 turtles nested on Georgia beaches this...
The number of nesting sea turtles along Georgia’s coast is down again this year following a record set in 2016. But that may not be something to worry...