In one Indian town, monkeys will steal your glasses — and give them back if you toss them a container of mango juice. It's one more sign of the impact of urbanization on the wild.
Authorities say only six monkeys are still on the loose after dozens escaped earlier this month from a South Carolina compound that breeds the primates for medical research.
Some local residents and an animal-rights group are protesting plans for a monkey-breeding facility in southwest Georgia. Opponents are urging the Bainbridge City Council to block plans by a company called Safer Human Medicine.
Monkeys using stones to crack open nuts generate many stone flakes accidentally that look exactly like the ones archaeologists have long thought early humans made intentionally as tools. Oops.
After people evacuated their homes following a nuclear disaster in the Japanese prefecture, nature started to reclaim the space. The humans are trying to return, but it's an uneasy coexistence.