Wildfires have a history of causing problems with the drinking water systems. In some affected areas around LA, officials are warning residents not to drink from the tap or even to shower.
The Phenix City wastewater treatment plant is discharging significantly more E. coli bacteria into the Chattahoochee River than the facility is permitted to, a river watchdog group has alleged.
State health officials said samples from the Red Hill shaft contained petroleum levels 350 times the level considered safe. Some 3,000 military members and families were moved to temporary housing.
Together the group faces 42 counts related to the drinking water catastrophe roughly seven years ago. The crimes range from perjury to misconduct in office to involuntary manslaughter.
The network of rail lines and canals that gave Waycross its name now act as dividing lines for the community. For a century, the canals carried runoff...
A recent study by the Natural Resources Defense Council shows Georgia leads most states in drinking water violations. Most happen in rural areas. We...
On this episode, we discussed how thousands of Georgians were dropped from food stamp benefits this year – roughly 62 percent of the state’s recipients....