Color Schemes
Color principles - complimentary, analogous, and monochromatic - inform flower bouquets.
Color Schemes J Schwanke’s Life In Bloom
Color is the focus of this episode. J shows ways to ways to work with color and flowers, based on the color wheel. Flower arrangements with complimentary, monochromatic, triadic, and analogous concepts are created. The featured flower is the colorful and vibrant coleus. Flowers arrangements from a viewer are also included.
About the Program
J Schwanke’s Life In Bloom
Host J Schwanke shows how to bring the beauty of flowers into your surroundings and demonstrates how living a life surrounded by colorful blossoms can reduce stress, instill wellness, and enhance happiness. Season two features techniques for flower arrangement, delicious floral food and cocktail recipes, and fun conversations with guests – from dahlia growers to chiropractors.
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