Hannah Goodin delves into football health and safety with Dr. Stephen Brown, an orthopedic and sports medicine specialist from the Rome Orthopedic Center. Dr. Brown, with his extensive background as a former football player and team physician for top teams, shares crucial insights on injury prevention, the importance of hydration and acclimatization, and the benefits of cross-training. He also offers valuable advice for coaches, parents, and athletes on maintaining open communication about injuries. Plus, essential tips to keep young athletes safe on the field during the high-risk summer months.

Are Concussions Deadly?: asset-mezzanine-16x9


In this episode of Football Fridays in Georgia: Beyond the Lights, host Hannah Goodin dives into the crucial topic of football health and safety with Dr. Stephen Brown, an esteemed orthopedic and sports medicine specialist from the Rome Orthopedic Center. Dr. Brown, who has a rich background as a former player and team physician for prestigious teams, brings invaluable insights into the unique challenges high school athletes face.

Dr. Brown discusses his role on the field, emphasizing the importance of sideline decision-making and the ultimate goal of injury prevention. He shares essential advice for coaches, parents, and athletes on staying safe during the intense summer heat, including the significance of proper hydration and acclimatization.

Listeners will also learn about the most common injuries in high school football, such as ACL tears and concussions, and the benefits of cross-training in preventing these injuries. Dr. Brown recounts an intense story of a severe head injury that underscores the importance of concussion awareness and safety protocols.

Tune in for expert tips on maintaining open communication with young athletes, ensuring they report injuries honestly, and understanding the advancements in helmet safety and concussion protocols. Dr. Brown also provides thoughtful suggestions for potential rule changes to make the game safer.

Whether you're a coach, parent, athlete, or sports enthusiast, this episode offers critical information to help keep our young athletes safe on and off the field.

Episode Highlights:

Dr. Brown's dual perspective as a former player and current physician

Key advice on hydration and acclimatization during high temperatures

Importance of cross-training to prevent injuries

Real-life stories of injury and recovery

Strategies for encouraging honest injury reporting among athletes

Updates on helmet safety and concussion protocols

Suggested rule changes to enhance player safety