In Hawaiian, the word wiki means “quick; fast”; in the world of the Internet, it refers to a website that allows the content and structure to be edited collaboratively by its users. This feature often causes people to question its reliability (think: college professors’ view on the use of Wikipedia as a reputable source). The truth is that wikis’ ability to share in content creation can be a valuable and “quick” tool in the classroom. Wikispaces Classroom is a virtual platform designed with teachers and students in mind.

Here are 5 ways that Wikispaces Classroom can benefit both teachers and students:

1.    Project-based learning

In Wikispaces Classroom, you can quickly create assignments. The site allows you to establish start and end dates for the project before assigning them to students or groups. Once the students submit their projects, you can publish them so that the entire class can view each other’s work. It is also possible to allow parents to see their children’s submitted projects, which is a great way of maintaining open communication between you and parents.


2.    Progress monitoring

Because Wikispaces Classroom operates in real-time, teachers can quickly track students’ engagement and contribution to their projects. This capability allows you to assign extensions for students who are moving quickly or remediate for students who are struggling. Overall, it will be easier to motivate all students if you can see how far they have progressed in their project.


3.    Collaboration

Teaching students how to effectively collaborate with both you and their peers is an ongoing process that happens throughout the school year. Wikispaces Classroom helps students work together with their group on an assignment or project, and it allows them to comment to you for clarification or to pose a question. Additionally, you can provide feedback to your students as they are working to help alleviate any concerns or to provide redirection.


4.    Organized classroom experience

Setting up the classroom is straightforward and uncomplicated to use for both you and your students. You can manage your members (students), add pages, upload files, start discussions, assign projects, and create an event on the calendar all from your homepage. Once your members are set up, it is simple to organize them into groups for collaborative working. The discussion thread displays like a social media newsfeed on your homepage, so everything is neatly laid out in one place. 

5.    Online and remote learning

Wikispaces Classroom allows teachers to have an online space for students to access the information wherever they are and whenever they need it. Having this type of resource also allows students to collaborate with students in other countries or community members who can enhance your classroom through virtual discussions.

Wikispaces Classrooms will help make your classroom more dynamic by combining technology and collaboration for both you and your students! We would love to hear how you have used Wikispaces Classrooms with your students.