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Open Invitation To Explore Our Digital Learning Resources
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Less than a month after the release of GPB’s eagerly awaited Georgia Studies digital textbook teacher edition, all users can now enjoy open access to key resources from our digital library, including virtual field trips and the student edition textbook. Former login requirements for both of these resources have been removed so that all teachers, students – and anyone interested in learning more about Georgia history, geography, economics, and government – can explore our state through our dynamic, interactive tools.
Teachers will still need to register for access to the protected content found in our teacher edition of the digital textbook. However, we have also developed a version of both our student and teacher editions that can be even more readily accessed through incorporation directly into your district’s learning management system. Contact us for further information on how your teachers and students can access the textbook from your own unique platform. Our outreach schedule for June through August is also filling up fast – be sure to reserve your free professional development session in preparation for the upcoming 2016-17 school year!
Mike Kuenlen, Outreach Specialist for South Georgia (mkuenlen@gpb.org)
Tracey Wiley, Outreach Specialist for Metro Atlanta and North Georgia (twiley@gpb.org)
If you want to learn more about our Georgia Studies teacher resources, join us for a live webinar on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 2:00 p.m ET. To register, go to https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9068034508232257796.
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