Vice President Mike Pence bumps elbows with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, left, during a news conference, Thursday, March 5, 2020, at Camp Murray in Washington state. Pence was in Washington to discuss the state's efforts to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Vice President Mike Pence bumps elbows with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, left, during a news conference, Thursday, March 5, 2020, at Camp Murray in Washington state. Pence was in Washington to discuss the state's efforts to fight the spread of COVID-19. / AP

President Donald Trump's trip Friday to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention turned into a scattershot defense of his administration's handling of the growing coronavirus crisis.

Trump, wearing his “Keep America Great" campaign hat while discussing the global worry, falsely declared that a test for the virus was available for anyone who wanted.

He called the Democratic governor of a state impacted by the virus “a snake." And he suggested that those exposed to the virus on a cruise ship be left aboard so they wouldn't count in the nation's total.