On this edition of Political Rewind, it is unclear whether the citizenship question will be added to the 2020 census after the U.S. Supreme Court sent the issue back to lower courts. The partisan implications of the question have been hotly debated, but what could be the economic impact of the decision in Georgia? 

Speaker of the House David Ralston tells Republican lawmakers that he will fight to keep the Gold Dome under Republican control even as Democrats step up efforts to win a majority in 2020. Vice President Pence could play a role in this effort. 

RELATED: Interview With State Republican Party Chair

RELATED: Interview with State Democratic Party Chair

Former President Jimmy Carter makes harsh remarks about Donald Trump, insisting Russia put the current president in the White House and blasting current border policies. Trump did not take the remarks lying down. 



Jim Galloway -- Lead Political Writer, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Julianne Thompson -- Republican Strategist

Wendy Davis -- Rome City Commissioner