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Amid Trade War, Georgia Farmers Face Drought And Financial Doubt
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From the devastation of Hurricane Michael to trade tariffs, Georgia farmers have faced months of uncertainty. After stalled disaster and tariff aid packages, American farmers are still struggling while being shuffled around the political gameboard.
Mark Peele is a cotton grower and president of the South Central Georgia Gin Company. He joined On Second Thought on the line from Berrien County to talk about the outlook — and mindset — of Georgia farmers. Jeffrey Harvey, director of the Georgia Farm Bureau's Public Policy Department, also joined the conversation from GPB's studio in Macon.
On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott speaks with Mark Peele and Jeffrey Harvey.
"We understand to a certain extent, we're kind of pawns in this tariff game," Peele said. "But it's no game to us. And I'm receiving some negative feedback from some of our growers. Some of them, they were staunch Trump supporters and they are really, really rethinking their position on this. It's got down to — it's just survival right now."
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