Former President Jimmy Carter kisses his wife, Rosalynn, after the two were spotted by the 'kiss cam


Former President Jimmy Carter kisses his wife, Rosalynn, after the two were spotted by the 'kiss cam" during the first half of an NBA basketball game between Atlanta Hawks and the New York Knicks Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019, in Atlanta. / AP

As former President Jimmy Carter continued healing Wednesday night from hip surgery, his wife, Rosalynn, felt faint and was admitted for observation, according to the Carter Center.

Both Carters walked out together Thursday morning.

The former president fell Monday at his home in Plains, while on his way to hunt turkey. He was recovering from surgery to repair a broken hip at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center in Americus. Carter joked he didn't want to miss the end of the hunting season and hoped the state would allow him to "rollover the unused limit to next year."

RELATED: 40 Years After 'Rabbit Incident' Jimmy Carter Bags Turkey

On April 15, the 94-year-old and oldest living former president "bagged a turkey" in Columbus, Tyler Jordan posted on Instagram.

Carter has written 29 books, won 3 Grammy Awards and, as president, signed the Georgia’s first sunshine laws in 1972. He is also a cancer survivor. Carter said he plans to teach his regular Sunday school class this weekend.