Aerial view of the United States Capitol building.

Aerial view of the United States Capitol building. / Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

The 116th Congressional session is well underway, and with the flip from Republican to Democratic control comes a swath of changes to House committee assignments.

Georgia’s newest lawmakers, Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-6) and Rep. Drew Ferguson (GA-3) both received influential posts.

McBath has been appointed to the Judiciary Committee, a post that aligns closely with the junior congresswoman’s focus on gun rights and other campaign platforms. The appointment also puts her in the committee that oversees crime and government oversight, a timely matter as the Mueller investigation continues.

Ferguson, who was elected in 2016, will take a seat on the Ways and Means Committee, an influential post for the congressman, who was also named the Republican Deputy Whip in November.

The Ways and Means Committee is the primary tax-writing body for the U.S. House of Representatives and oversees appropriations, banking and revenue-dependent programs like Social Security and Medicare. Members of the Ways and Means Committee typically do not serve on any other committees.

Ferguson will step down from previous assignments to the Committee on the Budget, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Education and Labor Committee.

Like McBath, Ferguson’s appointment parallels his original campaign platform, which focused on economic improvements. In a press release, Ferguson said he was honored to be selected. 

“I am honored to be selected to serve on the House Committee on Ways and Means,” says Ferguson. “In the 115th Congress, we made huge strides to make America the most competitive place in the world to do business again with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and I’m excited to join the Committee on Ways and Means as we keep working to build off of this success,” says Ferguson in a press release.

Many representatives from Georgia will assume leadership roles in their respective committees, including Sanford Bishop (GA-2), Hank Johnson (GA-4), John Lewis (GA-5), David Scott (GA-13) and Tom Graves (GA-14).

Georgia Congressional Delegation 116th U.S. Congress Committee Assignments: 

Johnny Isakson, R-Georgia

  • Chairman for Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
  • Chairman for Select Committee on Ethics
  • Committee on Finance
  • Committee on Foreign Relations
    • Chairman for Subcommittee on State Department and USAID Management, International Operations and Bilateral International Development
  • Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
    • Chairman for Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safe

David Perdue, R- Georgia

  • Committee on Armed Services
  • Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
  • Committee on the Budget
  • Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry

Buddy Carter, 1st District 

  • Committee on Energy and Commerce

Sanford Bishop Jr., 2nd District

  • Committee on Appropriations
  • Chairman for Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

Drew Ferguson, 3rd District

  • Ways and Means Committee

Hank Johnson, 4th District 

  • Judiciary Committee 
  • Chairman for Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet 
  • Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

John Lewis, 5th District 

  • Ways and Means Committee 
  • Chairman of Subcommittee on Oversight

Lucy McBath, 6th District

  • Judiciary Committee
  • Education and Labor Committee

Rob Woodall, 7th District

  • Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Committee on Rules
  • Committee on the Budget

Austin Scott, 8th District

  • Armed Services Committee
  • Committee on Agriculture
  • Ranking Member of Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit

Doug Collins, 9th District

  • Judiciary Committee

Jody Hice, 10th District

  • Committee on Oversight and Reform
  • Committee on Natural Resources

Barry Loudermilk, 11th District

  • Committee on Financial Services

Rick Allen, 12th District

  • Committee on Agriculture
  • Education and Labor Committee

David Scott, 13th District

  • Committee on Agriculture
  • Chairman of Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit
  • Committee on Financial Services

Tom Graves, 14th District

  • Committee on Appropriations
  • Ranking Member of Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee
  • Homeland Security Appropriations Conference Committee