Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks with reporters before heading into a policy luncheon on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017, in Washington.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks with reporters before heading into a policy luncheon on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017, in Washington. / AP Photo

Today on “Political Rewind,” the panel weighs in on Sen. John McCain’s announcement he’ll vote against the Graham-Cassidy health care bill and discusses whether the effort is now doomed. GOP leaders in the U.S. Senate are continuing their efforts to round up enough votes to pass the bill. The panel looks at the pressures being applied to Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, whose vote could determine the success or failure of the measure. And the panel weighs in on the latest assessment of the impact the bill will likely make on the health care system.

Then: HHS secretary and former Georgia congressman Tom Price is increasingly under fire for his routine use of charter airplanes to travel for his work. Press reports indicate Price has made use of more than two dozen charter planes since assuming his new position, despite the fact that most cabinet secretaries typically use commercial flights for their work. Democrats on the Hill are now calling for an investigation.

Plus: the panel looks at the escalating rhetoric between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.



Jim Galloway – AJC political writer

Sen. Elena Parent (D) – DeKalb County

Todd Rehm – GOP strategist and editor of Georgia Pundit