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On Second Thought For Monday, July 24, 2017
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Homelessness, The Gwinnett Braves, Lulu The Giant, Amanda Avery, and Old Car City
First, the Atlanta City Council, along with the United Way, has committed $50 million to help combat homelessness. This comes after news that the city’s largest shelter, Peachtree-Pine, will close by the end of August. Joining us is Rick Westbrook, Executive Director for Lost N Found, and Deirdre Oakley, Professor of Sociology for Georgia State University.
Next, the Braves — the Gwinnett Braves, that is — are changing their name. They opened it up to fans for submissions, and today they’re voting on the final six choices. We discuss what’s behind the rebranding, and how it’s supposed to help the minor league team grow its fan base, with Sunny Mehta, Director of Clyde Group Sports; and Joel Feldman, an Atlanta-based attorney who focuses on sports branding.
Then, Rachel Shaner is the frontwoman for Savannah band Lulu The Giant. They perform at Bragg Jam in Macon this weekend, July 29. Rachel gives us her two picks for the essential Georgia Playlist, including tunes by the Freedom Singers and Payne Bridges.
Next, Hollywood has a long way to go in being more inclusive of female filmmakers. For the 250 top domestic grossing films last year, women made up just 7 percent of all directors. That is according to San Diego State's Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film. A film festival Monday night in Atlanta is working to change that by showcasing shorts by women directors. We talk with filmmaker Amanda Avery of Atlanta. Her film, “Leaving Charlie,” is loosely based on her own experiences as a sex worker.
Finally, about 45 minutes from Atlanta in White, Georgia, there’s a massive junkyard. From a distance, it looks like a forest preserve, but if you zoom in closer it’s actually a graveyard for rare and retired vehicles. GPB’s Sean Powers buckles up for a trip to Old Car City.
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