Georgia Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle speaks at the state Capitol Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, in Atlanta.


Georgia Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle speaks at the state Capitol Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, in Atlanta. / AP Photo/File

Today on “Political Rewind,” if money talks, what do Casey Cagle's campaign contributions have to say? So far, a fair amount of his donations have come from lobbyists and political action groups. What will voters make of it?

With Sen. John McCain recovering from surgery, voting on the GOP bill to replace Obamacare has been put on hold. Will the delay help or hurt its passage? HHS Secretary Tom Price harks back to life before the ACA, and it's not a pretty picture.

Tweetstorms and talking heads are keeping the Donald Trump Jr./Russia story in the headlines and the latest polling shows that Trump Sr.'s approval numbers are sinking fast.  



Jim Galloway ­– Political Columnist, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Elena Parent – Democratic State Senator, Atlanta

Brian Robinson – Republican Strategist