Participants in a "No Muslim Registry" march outside the Trump International Hotel located in the Old Post Office in Washington, D.C. in December 2016.


Participants in a "No Muslim Registry" march outside the Trump International Hotel located in the Old Post Office in Washington, D.C. in December 2016. / Wikimedia Commons

Today on “Political Rewind,” during his presidential campaign, Donald Trump insisted he wanted to "drain the swamp" in Washington. But his own business dealings are causing their own set of issues. Alex Altman joins us to discuss his recent Time Magazine cover article, "The Swamp Hotel," which digs in on the Trump property in D.C. On Wednesday, Trump is planning to hold his first re-election fundraiser at the hotel; and criticism of this idea is mounting.

Are his properties being used by politicians, ambassadors, and lobbyists as a way to curry favor with the current administration? If so, what's wrong with that?

Also on today's show, our panel looks at the Supreme Court decision to re-evaluate the troubled Trump travel ban. SCOTUS is planning to allow some of the original language and policies in the bill to stand until a more formal re-evaluation in October. The U.S. Senate has revised its healthcare bill and we dig in on some of the details.

In Georgia news, another prominent state Democrat, Roy Barnes, announces he's supporting Stacy Evans' bid in the 2018 governor's race. Her bench is getting deeper. And we also take up Greg Bluestein's latest item on the Political Insider website: If you want a safe job, grabbing a GOP seat in the Georgia General Assembly is a good bet. Some lawmakers continue to win re-election, despite serious legal and ethical issues.



Jim Galloway – Political Columnist, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Brian Robinson – Republican Consultant

Tharon Johnson – Democratic Consultant

Alex Altman – Time Magazine writer