President Donald Trump talks with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, gestures before speaking at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers' memorial service, Monday, May 15. 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washington.


President Donald Trump talks with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, gestures before speaking at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers' memorial service, Monday, May 15. 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washington. / AP Photo

Today on “Political Rewind,” another day of "Must-Watch TV" on tap for tomorrow as Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify in an open hearing. What will he say and will he invoke executive privilege?

Just a little more than a week to go before the 6th District runoff and early voting is heavy so far. What do the political tea leaves say? And did it help candidate Handel to have a Donald Trump robocall on her behalf? Handel also had some unusual support from Bikers for Trump over the weekend.

Speaking of our 45th president, we take up the tale of the tapes. Do they, or don't they exist? Does the American public have a prayer of hearing them? Also, William Shakespeare is making news! Shakespeare in the Park is a big deal in NYC every summer, but a current production of “Julius Caesar” is getting a lot of blowback. Caesar is portrayed as a "Trump-like" character, who is murdered (a part of the original play) by women and minorities (not a part of the original play.) Delta is one advertiser withdrawing support.

Washington, D.C. and the state of Maryland made news today for filing suit against Donald Trump, claiming violations of the emoluments clause in the Constitution.

Finally today, GOP gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams posed with a controversial militia at an anti-Sharia rally this past weekend. Should Williams be held accountable for appearing with this group?



Jim Galloway – Political Columnist, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Elena Parent – State Senator, D-District 42

Brian Robinson – Republican Strategist