Outside Rep. Buddy Carter's town hall meeting, opponents chant


Outside Rep. Buddy Carter's town hall meeting, opponents chant "you work for us." / GPB News

Hundreds of people packed into a town hall meeting with Republican Representative Buddy Carter in Savannah Tuesday. Carter was the latest of several GOP Congress members to find emotions running high back home.

Before taking questions, Carter laid out some of his goals for the new Congress, including repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.

Opponents loudly objected when he called the healthcare law "Obamacare," and for the rest of the meeting the crowd reacted with competing boos and cheers to just about every policy point. The outcry prompted Carter supporters to chastise the crowd, yelling for people to "use a few manners" and "sit down and shut up."

Meanwhile, outside the auditorium, the overflow crowd chanted "you work for us."

A fight broke out in the lobby between an opponent and a supporter of the congressman.