Hundreds of people filled government offices in Greensboro to try and air grievances to members of the staffs of Senator David Perdue, Senator Johnny Isakson and Representative Jody Hice.


Hundreds of people filled government offices in Greensboro to try and air grievances to members of the staffs of Senator David Perdue, Senator Johnny Isakson and Representative Jody Hice. / GPB

Today on “Political Rewind,” the voters are getting restless and are starting to take out their frustrations on their representatives in Washington. Last night, a town hall meeting in Utah turned ugly for Congressman Jason Chaffetz. Today, staffers for Georgia Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue and Rep. Jody Hice got similar treatment as they hosted a "constituent service day." Is this the new normal for lawmakers? And will these protests morph into an organized movement like the Tea Party? 

Also today, our panel took up the Atlanta City Hall document drop, a deluge of over a million pages relating to bribes allegedly paid by contractors for City Hall projects. Mayor Kasim Reed is stung by any implication of personal wrongdoing.

Georgia Congressman Tom Price has been confirmed as the new HHS Secretary. Now that Price is vacating his 6th Congressional District seat, who is rushing to fill it? The line is already getting long...



Jim Galloway – Political Columnist, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Bill Torpy – Metro Atlanta Columnist, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Julianne Thompson – Republican Strategist

Sen. Steve Henson ­– State Senate Minority Leader (D)