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Trump Plots To Abolish Johnson Amendment
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Today on “Political Rewind,” it's week two of the Trump administration and Twitter continues to play an important role in tracking the thoughts of POTUS. From chiding Iran over its test of a ballistic missile: "Iran is playing with fire," to zinging the man who replaced him on his TV show: "Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really bad job as Governor of California and even worse on the Apprentice...but at least he tried hard!" But our panel also discussed a serious topic that Trump brought up at the National Prayer Breakfast: His plans to abolish the so-called "Johnson amendment" which says that 501C-3 organizations cannot endorse political candidates.
Our panelists spent much of today's show talking about the latest activity down at the Gold Dome as state lawmakers focus on things like religious liberty and a statewide civil rights bill.
And it's Rise Up Friday! In this political climate even the Super Bowl has become a partisan showdown. We discussed the fact that the Falcons are based in the 5th Congressional District represented by John Lewis and that Donald Trump is pals with Patriots coach Bill Belichick and QB Tom Brady.
Jim Galloway – Political Columnist, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Kristina Torres – Political Reporter, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
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