On today’s edition of “Political Rewind,” AJC political reporter Greg Bluestein joins us from Athens, where legislators are holding a pre-session conference to discuss the big issues likely to play out in the upcoming session of the General Assembly. Will "campus carry" make a comeback after the governor’s veto last year? What about the controversial religious liberty measure which he also vetoed? And what about casino gambling – does it have a chance to pass in the upcoming session?

We’ll look at breaking news: Donald Trump announced he intends to nominate former primary rival Ben Carson to be secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some are already questioning whether Carson has the experience to make him a good choice for the job.

In North Carolina, Governor Pat McCrory just conceded his re-election race to Democratic challenger Roy Cooer. It was social issues – like McCrory’s support for a prohibitive transgender bathroom bill – that got him in trouble. What lessons will elected officials from Georgia take from his defeat?



Greg Bluestein - AJC Political reporter

Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver (D) Decatur

Brian Robinson - GOP insider