Marliese Thomas at the Birmingham Humane Society's first ever cat yoga class. Would you take an exercise class with your pet?

Marliese Thomas at the Birmingham Humane Society's first ever cat yoga class. Would you take an exercise class with your pet? / NPR

The Breakroom gang joins host Celeste Headlee to weigh in on the week's news. The panel includes Georgia Department of Transportation spokeswoman Natalie Dale, music blogger Jordan Stepp, Korean Daily reporter HB Cho, and conservative radio talk show host Greg Williams


1) Our first topic is about a medical breakthrough that seems like it’s been a long time coming. Scientists have developed a male birth control shot that’s nearly 96 percent effective.  However, researchers put the brakes on studying it after the male subjects reported negative side effects. These included mood swings, an altered libido and acne. These are all side effects that women who are on birth control often experience. Should men be complaining about this? Are these valid concerns?

2) We have at least one cat lover on staff who walks his kitty on a leash, but that’s nowhere near the strangest thing you can do with your kitty. There is a growing interest in something called cat yoga -- at least in Birmingham, Alabama. A group of women recently met there to do some yoga with their furry friends. So, would you take an exercise class with your pet?

3) We talked recently in The Breakroom about a women-only membership club for ladies who don’t like to eat chicken wings in front of men. Now there’s an exclusive lounge for women to enjoy cigars. The Smokin’ Hot Ladies Club is in Jackson, Mississippi. Is "ladies only" becoming a trend in social settings?

4) The City Council of Fayetteville, Georgia wants to build canals downtown. It might look like Venice, Italy, but a study shows that project wouldn’t be cost effective. Would you rather your city council members always follow the research or dare to dream big?

5) The dream of many voters is for this election to be over. We talked to some first time voters who aren’t that excited to cast ballots this year. One of them is Taylor Stephenson, 18, who is a student at Decatur High School. “For the past few elections, I’ve been wanting to vote, but I was too young, obviously," she said. "But now that we have two people that I don’t really agree with on either side, it feels a little awkward for me to vote in this election. I just feel like it’s just a back and forth argument between Trump and Clinton, and I personally do not think it’s a very healthy relationship for our country.” Taylor said despite her reservations, she will vote. What do you say to someone who says they won’t vote?

6) If you really can’t take any more of the election, there’s some special TV programming with you in mind. The Weather Channel promises “zero election coverage” on Nov. 8. Its nine-hour chill marathon will include calming weather videos and music. Does that sound enticing to you? Will you tune out of the election?

7) New research shows some Uber and Lyft drivers discriminate against African Americans. The study published by The National Bureau of Economic Research says in Seattle, black passengers who were surveyed had to wait up to 35 percent longer for rides. In response to the survey on alleged rider discrimination, representatives from both Lyft and Uber told the New York Times that their companies don’t tolerate any form of discrimination. Should those drivers be fired?

8) Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, and some people are already in preparation for a major feast. There’s one dish you’re sure to find at the dinner table, especially here in the South. If you aren’t in the mood to whip up some homemade collard greens, you could order them from the apparel company, Neiman Marcus. Would you buy collard greens from Neiman Marcus?

9) A city in eastern Spain will soon launch a dog DNA database. It is meant to help catch owners who allow their dogs to use the bathroom on the pavement and don’t clean it up. Police will take samples of dog excrement that’s collected by street cleaners to a local lab for analysis. Owners have until December 31 to take their dogs to a vet so that a blood sample can be taken free of charge. Those who fail to register their dog's DNA will be fined. What do you think of this policy?

According to The National Bureau of Economic Research, some Uber and Lyft drivers discriminate against African Americans

According to The National Bureau of Economic Research, some Uber and Lyft drivers discriminate against African Americans / Wikimedia Commons

A screenshot of the listing for collard greens that Neiman Marcus is selling.

A screenshot of the listing for collard greens that Neiman Marcus is selling.