Atlanta artist Jessica Caldas, 29, marks an X on the BeltLine in Atlanta. She does this every 107 seconds to show the frequency of sexual abuse.


Atlanta artist Jessica Caldas, 29, marks an X on the BeltLine in Atlanta. She does this every 107 seconds to show the frequency of sexual abuse. / On Second Thought

Every 107 seconds from now, someone will be sexually assaulted in the U.S, according to federal data analyzed by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. Atlanta artist Jessica Caldas is getting beyond the numbers and statistics by taking to the city's streets with a piece of chalk and an important message. She marks the ground with an X every 107 seconds to represent those affected by sexual violence.
"The basic goal of the project is to honor all of these victims. I mean to me 107 seconds is dismal." Atlanta artist Jessica Caldas

You can find a full gallery of Jessica's #every107seconds project here.