FBI Director James Comey (right) said the FBI will not recommend criminal charges in its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state.

FBI Director James Comey (right) said the FBI will not recommend criminal charges in its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state. / AP Photo

How are Georgia political leaders are reacting to FBI Director James Comey’s searing condemnation of Hillary Clinton’s judgment? Though Comey stated that she broke no national security laws, he also cited her handling of highly classified information as “careless.” Georgia Democratic Party Chair Dubose Porter and GOP Chair John Padgett join us to discuss the potential ramifications of Comey’s comments.

Additionally, our panel considers whether President Obama will be able to save Clinton from her self-inflicted wounds. His praise for her extensive qualifications may fall on deaf ears for voters facing renewed distrust of her. Will Donald Trump be able to stay on message with the FBI’s startling revelations? His ability to capitalize on this moment may be overshadowed by some of his more ostentatious sound bites.



Jim Galloway – AJC Political Writer

Dr. Andra Gillespie – Associate Professor of Political Science at Emory University

Todd Rehm – Republican Strategist, Editor of GaPundit