(Left) Maira Kalman (American, born Israel, 1949), Illustration for What Pete Ate From A - Z (Really!) (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2001) (Right) Maira Kalman (American, born Israel, 1949), "When I was seven and sitting in a tree in Henry Hudson Park," 1993


(Left) Maira Kalman (American, born Israel, 1949), Illustration for What Pete Ate From A - Z (Really!) (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2001) (Right) Maira Kalman (American, born Israel, 1949), "When I was seven and sitting in a tree in Henry Hudson Park," 1993

Maira Kalman is perhaps best known by adults for the now iconic "New Yorkistan" and other covers for The New Yorker, or a dozen books including And the Pursuit of Happiness and The Principles of Uncertainty. Kids, on the other hand, know her better for the 18 picture books she's written and illustrated.

Kalman's picture books for children are the inspiration for an exhibition opening this week at the High Museum of Art. It's called The Pursuit of Everything. One of her books, Max Makes a Millionis also being adapted for the stage. Kalman is in town for the play's world premiere at the Alliance Theatre and the exhibition's opening this weekend, but first, she joined On Second Thought from New York.

On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott speaks with Maira Kalman.

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