Eva Rothenberg is a Radio and Podcasting intern at GPB. She’s a senior studying English and Linguistics at Emory University, where she is an on-air host for WMRE radio and a writer for the satire magazine. She has also presented original linguistics research at national and international conferences. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in digital journalism.
Georgia Senate Bill 288, known as the “second-chance law,”passed in June in the Georgia state senate, allowing for the expansion of expungement to those who have committed nonviolent misdemeanor offenses. The law goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2021.
Racist encounters have become increasingly common for Asian American and international students in the era of President Donald Trump, with hate speech intensifying ever since the novel coronavirus arrived in the United States in early 2020, students at Emory University in Atlanta told GPB News.
With Halloween fast approaching amid the coronavirus pandemic, many in the Atlanta metro area are taking steps to ensure that the holiday does not end up scarier than it needs to be.