Overview: When is enough really enough? Just how many slices of pizza should you eat? Is it worth studying one more hour? Marginal analysis can help answer these questions and many more!
Overview: When you purchase something you may tell the cashier "thank you." Typically, the cashier will reply "thank you" as well. This concept explains why.
Overview: Who should decide what to do with the resources in a country? The people? The government? Both? These questions form the basis for understanding economic systems.
Overview: Which economic system is "better?" The answer depends on what the goals of a society are. In this lesson, you will learn about a variety of goals and how different systems prioritize those goals.
Overview: First-come-first-served? Price? Sharing? Figuring out who gets what can be complicated! This lesson will help you understand a variety of methods people use to divide up resources, goods, and services.
Overview: It's no secret that government is significantly involved in the U.S. Economy. But do you know all the things the various levels of government do in the economy? This lesson will help you understand the complex ways the government interacts with the U.S. Economy.
Overview: Is it accurate to say that one group of people live "better" than another? The concept of standard of living tries to answer that question - but sometimes comes up short. This lesson explains why.
Overview: How may pushups can you do in 30 seconds? How many text messages can you send in 30 seconds? What would happen if you had to do pushups AND send text messages at the same time? A production possibilites curve can show you.
This interactive, 3D virtual tour of the Georgia Governor's Mansion will allow you to explore the rooms in the mansion and learn about the historic collection of artifacts.
Overview: All markets are not created equal. The market for candy does not look the same as the market for electricity. This lesson helps you understand different market structures and why they matter.
Overview: Ever paid taxes on anything? Ever attended a public school or driven on a highway? If so, you were seeing fiscal policy in action without even thinking about it. This lesson explains how the Government can alter the economy through taxes and spending.