One Small Step FAQs

  • If I sign up, am I guaranteed to participate?

    Unfortunately with limited capacity, GPB can’t guarantee a conversation for every person who applies. Matching and recordings will continue through December 2022, however, so you may hear from us any time throughout the year. Thank you for your patience! 

    If you’re not matched locally this year, you’ll still be eligible to participate through StoryCorps’ national program next year. StoryCorps receives all applications and will continue matching participants across all parts of the country in 2023. Visit to learn more about StoryCorps’ One Small Step programs.

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  • Should I try to find my own partner for a One Small Step conversation? What if I already have a partner in mind?

    The program is designed to help you meet with someone new and different, and we take care of matching you with a partner. However, if you already have a specific partner in mind, that works too. You can let us know when you fill out page 1 of the One Small Step Questionnaire.

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  • How should I prepare for a One Small Step conversation?

    The single most important thing is to come with an open mind, curiosity, and a genuine desire to listen to and connect with someone new.  It also helps to reflect on what your goals for the experience are. 

    We provide suggested questions, and you’re welcome to bring your own. Spend some time beforehand thinking about which questions you want to explore (as well as anything you’d prefer to keep off-limits). You may find it helpful to think about some of your own answers, and reflect on any particular stories and experiences from your life that might help illustrate them. But ultimately, there’s no need to over-prepare. These conversations are meant to be unscripted. You are not expected to have all the answers, or to be a “spokesperson” for any particular point of view. Simply come ready to be yourself.


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  • What does it mean to “give permission” to share my recorded conversation?

    After you finish the conversation, the Facilitator will talk with you about whether you’d like to allow the station and StoryCorps to have a copy of the recording. You grant permission by signing a Release Form (we provide a copy in advance of your appointment to review). Signing a Release Form allows StoryCorps to archive the recording with the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., as well as add your conversation to their Online Archive Collection. It also allows the station to receive a copy of the recording and potentially publish/broadcast a portion of it.  If you (or your conversation partner) decide not to sign the release form, the recording will not be archived or broadcast. StoryCorps will not keep a copy, and the station will not receive a copy. Regardless of your decision, you and your conversation partner will both receive the audio of the conversation to share with family and friends.

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  • When and how do I get a copy of my recording?

    It takes about 4-6 weeks to process StoryCorps recordings. Once your recording is processed, you’ll receive an email from StoryCorps with a link to a digital copy of it. 

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  • Does it cost anything to participate?

    No, participation is free of charge.

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