We discuss the difference between distance and displacement and look at examples of what distinguishes them from one another in both one and two dimensions.
We head to the Porsche Experience Center Atlanta track to learn about the difference between speed and velocity. Different types of velocity are explored and we investigate how to find information from a position versus time graph.
We are back at the Porsche Experience Center Atlanta track to learn all about acceleration. Kinematic equations are introduced as we solve for stopping time and displacement.
Students analyze conceptual, mathematical, and physical models of atoms. This unit also includes an overview of protons, neutrons, and electrons, as well as a periodic table of elements.
We take our search for Georgia STEM careers to Carrollton with a visit to Southwire, the largest manufacturer of wire and cable in North America. Here we cover the types of careers available at Southwire. And we shine a (well-wired) spotlight on Southwire's Engineering Academy for high school students. Teachable Moments include descriptions of electricity and root cause analysis.
The focus of this unit is to help students understand the condition in which all competing influences counteract each other, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system.